‘Upkeep and maintenance’ of democracy means strengthening voting rights
Under normal conditions, the new year is a time of reflection on the year past. 2020 was no ordinary year.

Harwood Interact: Thanks for all of the bottles and cans
Harwood’s Rotary Interact Club would like to thank the community and everyone who donated cans and bottles to the Waterbury Senior Center.
Petition supports bill for insurance, Medicaid to pay for hearing aids
Our state Rep. Theresa Wood drafted H.266, the Hearing Aid Bill. For that, I am truly thankful she did that because it will have a huge impact on many Vermonters' lives. We have over 70,000 Vermonters who are hard of hearing, several hundreds of Deaf people including children who could benefit from this as well.

Size matters in middle school classes
As a former 40+-year teacher, I was very disappointed to read that Harwood school board members voted to reduce by one-half the number of core teachers in the Harwood Union Middle School.
Jerry McMahan: ‘The Town needs to be proactive’
I am running for the three-year Duxbury Selectboard term that is up for election this year.

Brock Coderre: ‘I will go the extra mile for my neighbors’
I’m just a 30-year-old, working class guy. You’ll see me delivering food for your local pizza place. I work nights at a warehouse in Barre.

Mark Frier: ‘Freedom and a sense of belonging’
I am hoping for your support in continuing to represent you, the voters, on the Select Board for another term. This past year has brought many challenges to our community and many difficult but necessary conversations.
Mike Marotto: ‘An unbiased, open-minded perspective’
I’ve always felt a strong connection to this area, and 12 years ago my wife Emily and I were fortunate enough to come “home” from sunny California to Duxbury.

Teachers’ union questions timing, process of cuts
The recent decision by the school board to reduce a team of teachers at Harwood Union Middle School has created many questions for school staff and its local union, HUEA. Why, after proposing a budget with enough funding for this team, did half of the school board decide to do away with the team?
Brian Robinson: ‘Invested in this area’
I have been a Duxbury resident for 11 years and love it here! Duxbury is the ideal place, in my mind, to live and raise my family. However, I recognize that there are many challenges that face small towns like Duxbury which require civic engagement from the members of the community.
VPR/Vermont PBS – Vermont’s media conglomerate?
The largest nonprofit media organization in Vermont history – Vermont Public Radio/Vermont PBS – soon will have 117 employees, an annual budget of $18 million, and $91 million in assets. Seven Days newspaper has around 43 employees; VtDigger has around 22. How many at your local newspaper? Their budget?
Scott D. Culver: ‘Time to roll up our sleeves and get to work’
My name is Scott D. Culver, and I am running for positions on both the Waterbury Select Board as well as the HUUSD School Board. Sound ambitious? That’s me and that’s what you will receive.
MakerSphere: We give, you give
Waterbury Area MakerSphere wishes to thank our community for contributing to our organization in 2020.
Anti-racism coalition: Wait to fly Black Lives Matter flags at schools
The Waterbury Area Anti-Racism Coalition (WAARC) supports Black Lives Matter (BLM).

Katie Martin: ‘I have put down roots’
Dear Waterbury community members, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve you on the Waterbury Select Board this past year. I have learned a lot from my peers on the board, and from our fantastic municipal staff.
LETTER: Rep. Wood checks in at start of session
As we end this stressful and world defining year, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for the trust you have placed in me to represent YOU in Montpelier; I will do my best to fulfill that trust.
Noah Fishman: ‘I am ready to serve’
Dear Waterbury, My parents moved here in the '70s. My mom started a small business in our home on Guptil Road which then migrated to the Cabot Annex before moving to Stowe.

Dani Kehlmann: ‘I will empower citizens’
My name is Dani Kehlmann, and I’m running for Waterbury Select Board because I believe we deserve a healthier and stronger community.
Fundraiser does double duty for pub & agency
Organizers thank Blackback Pub, community for supporting food and fuel program with their pub orders.
Annual Christmas tree sale success continues
A big thank you and gracious appreciation to all who participated by helping unload, cut strings, purchase a tree, or just made an extra donation to the Community Christmas Tree project in support of the Waterbury and Duxbury food shelves and the Waterbury Area Good Neighbor Fund.