Teachers’ union questions timing, process of cuts
Opinion Lisa Scagliotti Opinion Lisa Scagliotti

Teachers’ union questions timing, process of cuts

The recent decision by the school board to reduce a team of teachers at Harwood Union Middle School has created many questions for school staff and its local union, HUEA. Why, after proposing a budget with enough funding for this team, did half of the school board decide to do away with the team?

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Brian Robinson: ‘Invested in this area’
Opinion Lisa Scagliotti Opinion Lisa Scagliotti

Brian Robinson: ‘Invested in this area’

I have been a Duxbury resident for 11 years and love it here! Duxbury is the ideal place, in my mind, to live and raise my family. However, I recognize that there are many challenges that face small towns like Duxbury which require civic engagement from the members of the community.

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Opinion Lisa Scagliotti Opinion Lisa Scagliotti

VPR/Vermont PBS – Vermont’s media conglomerate?

The largest nonprofit media organization in Vermont history – Vermont Public Radio/Vermont PBS – soon will have 117 employees, an annual budget of $18 million, and $91 million in assets. Seven Days newspaper has around 43 employees; VtDigger has around 22. How many at your local newspaper? Their budget? 

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Katie Martin: ‘I have put down roots’
Opinion Katie Martin Opinion Katie Martin

Katie Martin: ‘I have put down roots’

Dear Waterbury community members, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve you on the Waterbury Select Board this past year. I have learned a lot from my peers on the board, and from our fantastic municipal staff.

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Opinion Skip Flanders Opinion Skip Flanders

Annual Christmas tree sale success continues

A big thank you and gracious appreciation to all who participated by helping unload, cut strings, purchase a tree, or just made an extra donation to the Community Christmas Tree project in support of the Waterbury and Duxbury food shelves and the Waterbury Area Good Neighbor Fund. 

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