LETTER: Rep. Wood checks in at start of session

January 9, 2020  |  Rep. Theresa Wood

To the Community: 

As we end this stressful and world defining year, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for the trust you have placed in me to represent YOU in Montpelier; I will do my best to fulfill that trust.

Opening Week: We began the 2021 legislative session on January 6th just as we ended the 2020 session, conducting business over ZOOM. We elected a new Speaker and Clerk of the House; the Governor and other statewide elected officials were sworn in, as were all 180 legislators in the House and Senate. We received our committee assignments (these are made by the Speaker of the House), and were "seated" virtually. So far, the decision has been made to conduct all House business virtually at least until the Town Meeting week break in March.

Town Meeting: It is expected that a bill that is already being worked on to provide additional flexibility regarding annual meetings for towns and school districts will see action very soon after we gavel into session. We already passed a bill last session to provide some flexibility, and this bill will provide additional options.

COVID-19 vaccine: As the vaccines begin to be administered here in Vermont, you can get up to date information on the following two websites:

1. This website gives information by county and total numbers of individuals vaccinated across the state. https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/vaccine/covid-19-vaccine-dashboard

2. This website answers questions about who can get the vaccines and enables you to sign up for updates. https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/vaccine/about-covid-19-vaccines-vermont

I will resume my weekly legislative updates starting the second week of January. As always, you can reach me at twood@leg.state.vt.us

Finally, I wish for all of you a safe and healthy 2021. It may be a long winter for some of us, so do what you can to reach out to others or to seek out others if you need to. Take care.

Rep. Theresa Wood



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