Teachers’ union questions timing, process of cuts

Editor’s note: The Harwood Unified Education Association, the union representing teachers and staff in the Harwood Unified Union School District, shared this letter with the HUUSD School Board regarding the board’s decision Feb. 17 to cut four core classroom teachers at Harwood Union Middle School for the 2021-22 school year. 

February 22, 2021

To The Members Of The HUUSD School Board,

The recent decision by the school board to reduce a team of teachers at Harwood Union Middle School has created many questions for school staff and its local union, HUEA. Why, after proposing a budget with enough funding for this team, did half of the school board decide to do away with the team? Why did some board members not support the middle school principal, who advised them to keep the team in place for at least one more year because it is in the best interest of students and staff?

We feel strongly that there should be a clear plan – not just for next year – but for the entire restructuring of the Middle School. We would like to be part of a transparent process whereby taxpayers, families, students, and staff are clear about our district's plans for the future. Therefore, we look forward to working collaboratively with our school board and administrative team to ensure there is a smooth transition for families and students.

It is clear a number of school board members believe decisions regarding reductions of school staff should have been made months ago during the process of building a budget. We agree. All we ask for is a clear and open process for restructuring our schools and reducing staff. Without a transparent process, we can’t help but wonder if there are more reductions planned? The lack of transparency regarding the reduction of a middle school team obscures all of the hard work and successes we have achieved as a district this year. It calls into question whether we are, or are not, all in this together?

It has been impressive this year how, in the midst of a global pandemic, our schools have been able to keep the lights on and the doors open for business. We are delivering meals. We are providing health screenings and counseling. And we are doing our best to keep children active physically and intellectually. Meanwhile, around the country, the same cannot be said. School doors are closed. And the lights are off. Our staff should be proud of the work we are doing. And so should the administration. And so should the school board. Students and staff have faced unprecedented disruptions, uncertainty, and anxiety this past year, and this recent decision by the school board only generates more uncertainty during uncertain times.

Justina Boyden, HUEA Co-President

Steve Rand, HUEA Co-President


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