Here is an upcoming board meeting from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agenda and Zoom link included.
Here is an upcoming board meeting from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agenda and Zoom link included.
HUUSD’s annual meeting will be held March 3-4 2025.
Through universal preschool, all children who will be 3 years old on or before September 1, 2025, are eligible to attend our highly regarded school-based programs or receive funding to attend any program pre-approved by the state.
Here is an upcoming meeting from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agenda and Zoom link included.
Here are upcoming December meetings from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom links included.
A policy hearing will be held at the HUUSD Board meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.
Here are upcoming December meetings from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom links included.
The Harwood Unified Union School District will be accepting transportation bids for FY26 through FY28. Bids will be accepted starting Wednesday, November 20, and will close on Friday, December 13.
Here are upcoming meetings from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom links included.
Here are upcoming meetings from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom links included.
A policy hearing will be held at the HUUSD Board meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
The schools comprising the Harwood Unified Union School District (Brookside Primary School, Crossett Brook Middle School, Fayston Elementary School, Harwood Union Middle/High School, Moretown Elementary School, Waitsfield Elementary School, and Warren Elementary School) have designated the following personally identifiable information as directory information under the Family Rights and Privacy Act.
As the parent of a student enrolled in a school in a member district of the Harwood Unified Union School District, or as an eligible student, you have the following rights with respect to your child’s (or, if an eligible student, your own) education records.
In compliance with federal requirements under the Protection of Student Rights Act (PPRA), this is to provide parents with notice of specific parental rights of request with regard to the following.
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 763.93 [g][4]) requires that written notification be given that the following schools have Management Plans for the safe control and maintenance of asbestos-containing materials found in their buildings.
In compliance with Section 504 Act of 1973, the Harwood Unified Union School District provides this notice to all employees, beneficiaries, and the citizens who reside in the member towns of Duxbury, Fayston, Moretown, Waitsfield, Warren and Waterbury.
The Harwood Unified Union School District is interested in locating children and youth who may be experiencing homelessness.
The Harwood Unified Union School District is interested in locating preschool age children who may have developmental delay and any school-age children who have handicaps who are not currently enrolled in school.
Here are upcoming meetings from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom links included.
Central Vermont Career Center has a mobile home available for sale. Link here to specifications and bid documents.
Here are upcoming meetings from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom links included.
Here is an upcoming special meeting from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom link included.
HUUSD notifies the public of their revised budget
A policy hearing will be held at the HUUSD Board meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
Here are upcoming meetings from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom links included.
A policy hearing will be held at the HUUSD Board meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
The legal voters of the Harwood Unified Union School District are hereby notified and warned to meet at their respective polling place on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. to vote on the revised school district budget
Here are upcoming meetings from the Central Vermont Career Center School District with agendas and Zoom links included.
To all landowners residing within the boundaries of the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District (NRCD), notice is hereby given that on October 7, 2024 petitions for the position of supervisor for the conservation district will be available.
Application 5W1023-1 from Carolyn Walters Fox Trust, 2351 Perry Hill Road, Waterbury, VT 05676 was received on August 28, 2024 and deemed complete on September 6, 2024.
All of the premises of 43 Randall Street, Waterbury, Vermont to be sold by Public Auction to the highest bidder at 3:00PM on November 10, 2023 (This sale was previously scheduled for September 28, 2023 and postponed).
A public auction has been scheduled for 11 a.m. on Sept. 28 at 43 Randall St., Waterbury.
The Development Review Board for the Town of Waterbury will convene a public hearing on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Town of Waterbury will convene a public hearing to obtain public feedback regarding proposed updated zoning bylaws (Uniform Development Bylaws – Phase 1) on Monday, May 6th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Steele Community Room in the Municipal Center, 28 North Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont.
Town of Waterbury’s Planning Commission will convene a public hearing to obtain public feedback regarding proposed updated zoning bylaws.
The Town of Waterbury has posted the warning for the Special Town Meeting Australian Ballot vote scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023.
A public hearing will be held March 20 on the Town of Waterbury’s application to the Vermont Community Development Program for a $500,000 grant to support Downstreet Housing & Community Development’s project to build 26 housing units at 51 S. Main St. in Waterbury.
The Town of Waterbury has two vehicles for sale: a 2007 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup and a 2014 Ford 550 with dump body and plow equipment
Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of the Edward Ferrar Utility District that the Edward Farrar Utility District ("EFUD") proposes to convey and release to L. Chila Russell a certain 0.46-acre, more or less, parcel ofland lying easterly of Blush Hill Road (Town Highway No. 2) and lying beneath what is commonly known as Blackberry Lane.
Let this serve as notice that regular education school records of students who graduated from Harwood Union High School in June 2023 or June 2024, or who were part of the Class of 2023 and Class of 2024, will be destroyed on July 1, 2025.