Noah Fishman: ‘I am ready to serve’

January 8, 2021  |  By Noah Fishman

Editor’s note: Waterbury Center resident Noah Fishman is running for one of two one-year terms on the Waterbury Select Board in the Town Meeting Day election on March 2. 

 Dear Waterbury,

My parents moved here in the '70s. My mom started a small business in our home on Guptil Road which then migrated to the Cabot Annex before moving to Stowe. I used to get spoiled with chocolate upstairs at Green Mountain Chocolates as I waited for the workday to finish and helped with odd jobs at the shop. My dad worked at the State Hospital and developed some of the first programs that brought its patients out into the community.

Noah Fishman / Courtesy photo

I went to school at Thatcher Brook and Harwood. I've watched this community grow and change from a place I used to be timid about saying I was from to a place that I'm truly proud to call home.  

Since I moved back home to my family property 13 years ago, I've witnessed the incredible growth in our community where we have welcomed many people from all over, established ourselves as a destination for tourism, one of the top schools in the state, and a place with top-notch quality of life. Our diversity is our strength. Our resilience and ability to bounce back has been inspiring.  

Now, with two kids of my own at our local schools and two businesses (Zenbarn & Zenbarn Farms), I feel it is time that I give back to the town that formed me. I am ready to serve.  So, today I threw my hat in the ring for the town select board. It is my hope that if you choose me, I can help to forge the future of this town while building on the heritage of our past. I see so much potential for our town to be a place that is even more thriving. 

In this role, I will be an advocate for Waterbury's citizens and businesses and use the skills I've learned through my career in nonprofit management and entrepreneurship to get results for this town that supports our local economy and businesses while strengthening the fabric of our community.  

Thank you for your support as I leap into this exciting new endeavor!

Noah Fishman

Waterbury Center


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