Send us your news, opinions, pictures, obituaries, announcements
We would like to hear from the community. Send us your announcements, news items, opinions and photos. We will edit for style and space.
Email submissions and label in the subject line to describe what it is: “story idea,” “photo,” “letter to the editor,” “obituary,” “new business hours,” etc.
Please send to the email address waterburyroundabout@gmail.com.
Some important details:
For announcements from community groups, businesses, churches, etc., be sure to include the who, what, where, when and why details. Keep them succinct and include a name along with an email and/or phone number to contact for more information; add a website if appropriate.
What does Waterbury look like to you? We would like to feature shots from local residents on our site. Send us your images (largest size) of people, events, sights around town.
Have an opinion on a current topic? Letters to the editor (up to 300 words) and Commentaries (500-800 words) must be signed. Include the writer’s hometown and a phone number for confirmation.
Obituaries and birth announcements
Send in the body of an email message or an attached document file to waterburyroundabout@gmail.com. Include a digital photo image in the largest size available.
If possible, families should request that their funeral director submit obits to us directly. If that is not possible, we request a copy of the death certificate for verification.
Obituaries are posted free of charge. Waterbury Roundabout is a nonprofit. Should families wish to make a small donation, that is appreciated, but not at all required.
While a website is available 24/7, we add new stories as they come together.
The This Week in Waterbury weekly email newsletter is sent out on Saturdays. It highlights new stories on the Waterbury Roundabout website each week. While it isn’t a complete list of all new stories online, it is helpful to have new news by Thursday to consider for the newsletter. Earlier is better as we are a small team. Send your press releases, announcements, etc. via email to waterburyroundabout@gmail.com.
We are not perfect! Sometimes we make mistakes. Whether it’s our error or incomplete or erroneous information we receive, we want to know about it and make it right. If you see something that is an error in a news story, a community announcement, etc. Please let us know so we can fix it.
Send an email and the best description of where it is and what the correct information should be to waterburyroundabout@gmail.com.
We welcome your comments. A few guidelines:
Sign your name.
We moderate comments which means we read them before they are posted. Comments without a name and real email address for us to verify if necessary will not be approved. If you want to share, readers should know who’s sharing.
Tell us more.
Do you know more about a story than what we have reported? Have an interesting detail or backstory to share? Please feel free to add to what we and readers know.
Please be civil.
No obscenities, vulgarities, threats, racism, sexism, etc. or personal insults to other people.
Be honest.
Don’t lie or spread knowingly false information.
See something, say something.
If you see something amiss, use the “Contact” button to call it to our attention.
And, as always, thank you for reading!