Opinion Judi Daly Opinion Judi Daly

LETTER: Thank you for all who stood up

Indivisible Mad River Valley thanks everyone who showed up to express their outrage at the current administration on Saturday, March 1, while Vice President J.D. Vance and family were on a ski vacation at Sugarbush.

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Opinion Mary Koen Opinion Mary Koen

OPINION: Why I love Town Meeting

It is my firm belief that this can-do spirit and visible community engagement sit atop a foundation of the good people in this state and the centuries of traditions from which we benefit.  

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Opinion Sophie Hislop and Dwayne Robinson Opinion Sophie Hislop and Dwayne Robinson

COMMENTARY: The Hotel Motel Program is a Band-Aid on a wound that needs stitches

Last August we were evicted from our apartment in Lebanon, New Hampshire, and our journey with the General Assistance Hotel Motel Program began. We are both Vermonters, who had been living in the Upper Valley when we first became homeless. We were working with Upper Valley Haven, who had found us a place just over the border in New Hampshire.

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