Waterbury Public Library November program highlights
There are several ongoing and single-event programs to highlight at the Waterbury Public Library in November.
Trick or Treat 2024
Vermont is bracing for one of the warmest Halloweens in memory today. Here’s what trick-or-treaters in Waterbury need to know
Phantom Theater presents ‘Dolls in My Pocket’
For much of the last decade, Keryn Nightingale has brought a fantastical lens to her personal narratives. This Saturday she’ll once again turn to an archetypal story to illuminate her own life when she performs “Dolls in My Pocket” at the Big Picture Theater at 7 p.m. in Waitsfield.
‘New Beginnings, Old Stories’: Art by Benjamin Cheney at Axel’s
In a new show opening at Axel’s Gallery and Frame Shop this week, artist Benjamin Cheney invites you to experience “New Beginnings, Old Stories” – an evocative collection that explores the bittersweet journey of love and transition through the lens of an amicable divorce.
Eleva Chamber Players present ‘New Beginnings’ Nov. 9-10
With two upcoming performances in Waterbury and Waitsfield, the Eleva Chamber Players will introduce their newly appointed concertmaster Reginald Pineda.
Closing Time: How (some) turtles shut their shells
In cartoons, when a turtle is spooked, it retreats into and closes up its shell. While used for comic effect, this imagery is based in fact – although not all turtles are capable of this protective feat.
Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District looks to fill board opening
Vermont’s 14 Natural Resource Conservation Districts will hold elections in early December to fill board openings. Nominating petitions for candidates interested in district supervisor positions are due by Nov. 8 with at least 25 signatures.
Nov. 16 Rotary meal packing event seeks volunteers
The Mad River Valley Rotary’s annual event to pack meals for distribution in developing countries is looking for volunteers to help out on Saturday, Nov. 16.
Bat week message: Homes for Bats on Halloween
The onset of fall sends bats into motion, which makes it an important time for conservation-minded Vermonters to learn about and help conserve the nine bat species native to Vermont.
The not-so-itsy-bitsy Joro spider
Tis the season for spooky stories, and just in time for Halloween, the spider that news headlines have described as “giant,” “flying,” and “venomous” has made its way to New England.
Candy collection launched ahead of Halloween
The annual Halloween pilgrimage of ghosts and goblins to the Elm and Randall street neighborhood is fast approaching and the annual candy collection ahead of time has begun.
GMVS blends theater and circus arts in ‘Pippin’ Oct. 24-26
Green Mountain Valley School presents the classic musical “Pippin” Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 24-26.
A tough little tree with a quirky name
Wandering through the woods this time of year, occasionally I’ve come across a small deciduous tree laden with cone-like structures that resemble the hops used to brew beer.
‘Green River Reservoir’ documentary film screening Oct. 24
The Friends of Green River Reservoir will host a film screening on Oct. 24 of the new documentary “Green River Reservoir” by Waitsfield filmmaker Ian Sweet.
$700,000 Burrows Trail overhaul completed on Camel’s Hump
After 70 weeks of work over the past three years, the Green Mountain Club and Vermont Department of Forests Parks and Recreation have completed a nearly $700,000 top-to-bottom rehabilitation project of the popular Burrows hiking trail on Camel’s Hump.
AARP gives top community service award to Waterbury’s William April
AARP Vermont recently presented Bill April of Waterbury with its 2024 Andrus Award for Community Service.
Did you know some dragonflies migrate?
The great annual movements of fall include monarch butterflies winging toward Mexico, whales heading to the Caribbean to give birth, and multitudes of birds in the autumn skies. There’s another migration this season that often goes unnoticed by casual observers: that of dragonflies.
October at Waterbury Public Library
Schedules shift to fall mode this month at the Waterbury Public Library. Here is a rundown of highlights of the free programs for adults offered now through the season, with many continuing into winter and spring.
Waterbury LEAP seeks volunteers for Nov. window insulation project
Volunteers with Waterbury LEAP will spend a week in early November working with a team in Waitsfield to construct energy-efficient window inserts under the direction of a regional nonprofit organization called WindowDressers.
Music abounds in October performances
Here’s the lowdown on several October musical performances in and not too far from Waterbury to add to your calendars.