Rotary aims for local projects, global impacts
Opinion Gwenna Peters Opinion Gwenna Peters

Rotary aims for local projects, global impacts

Waterbury Rotary is seen regularly around town working on familiar events and projects such as Concerts in the Park, Not Quite Independence Day, the annual Food Shelf Turkey Drive, the Easter Parade and Egg Hunt, distributing dictionaries to third graders and a genuine presence in our community.

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Rep. Torre: Legislative update (week 4)
Opinion Rep. Dara Torre Opinion Rep. Dara Torre

Rep. Torre: Legislative update (week 4)

Our work in the State House ramped up over these last weeks, with legislators introducing a cascade of bills while also contemplating urgent budget requests, the governor's recent budget address and a much-anticipated childcare funding report. 

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Rep. Torre: Week 2 legislative update 
Opinion Rep. Dara Torre Opinion Rep. Dara Torre

Rep. Torre: Week 2 legislative update 

It's been an amazing start, and so inspiring to be part of the largest first-year class ever. I'm deeply grateful to the voters in our communities for their confidence in me, and I'm eager to stay in touch on priorities and needs as the session unfolds. 

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