Rep. Torre: Legislative update (week 4)
February 4, 2023 | By Rep. Dara Torre
Our work in the State House ramped up over these last weeks, with legislators introducing a cascade of bills while also contemplating urgent budget requests, the governor's recent budget address and a much-anticipated childcare funding report.
After quick work by legislators, Gov. Phil Scott signed H.42 on Jan. 25, extending some temporary COVID-related municipal meeting practices (e.g., remote meeting options, Australian ballot voting) to July 1, 2024. More on open meeting law requirements will be taken up later in the session.
In the House Environment & Energy Committee, we took up our first bill which continues an important effort from previous sessions. H.67 aims to reduce the growing amount of hazardous household waste entering our landfill and leaching into the environment. Household hazardous waste requires special processing and cannot be safely disposed of in our landfill. Hazardous products include flammable and toxic products such as lawn pesticides, camping fuel canisters and cleaning materials among many others. Testimony came from some familiar Valley voices, including bill sponsor Rep. Kari Dolan and John Malter from the Mad River Resource Management Alliance.
To reduce the mounting financial burden on our solid waste districts and taxpayers, H.67 proposes an "extended producer responsibility" approach used in successful product stewardship programs for batteries (, electronics (Vermont e-cycles) and paint. Last year's bottle bill (Senate version) included a similar provision. Visit the Mad River Resource Management Alliance website for more info on current disposal offerings in our area.
On the caucus front, a highlight for me is participating in the Older Vermonters Caucus. I was happy to sign on to a bill proposing additional funding for Meals on Wheels ($2 more per meal) given escalating food costs. Last week we heard from the Visiting Nurse Associations of Vermont on the tough financial picture they face from Medicare reimbursement changes and rising labor costs, valuable context as we consider removing the home health provider tax this session.
Stay in touch! There's a tourism day being planned for the State House later in March. We'd love to see a Valley presence there. Please email me at with any questions or concerns.
Join me for "office hours" at Black Cap Coffee in Waterbury (for the convenience of Duxbury residents) on the second Tuesday of the month (next on Feb. 14, 8 a.m.); Moretown General Store on fourth Mondays (8 a.m.); Warren Store on fourth Tuesdays (8 a.m.); and Three Mountain Cafe in Waitsfield on fourth Saturdays (10 a.m.).
Rep. Dara Torre
State Rep. Dara Torre, D-Moretown, is one of two representatives in the Washington-2 district covering Duxbury, Fayston, Moretown, Waitsfield and Warren.