Rep. Torre: Week 2 legislative update
January 23, 2023 | By Rep. Dara Torre
I'm excited to be continuing a tradition of weekly reports from the State House, alternating with Rep. Kari Dolan to share highlights, reflections and resources. It's been an amazing start, and so inspiring to be part of the largest first-year class ever. I'm deeply grateful to the voters in our communities for their confidence in me, and I'm eager to stay in touch on priorities and needs as the session unfolds.
I've been assigned to the newly constituted Environment and Energy Committee, which will be diving into ambitious climate change bills like the affordable heating act, S.5 (an update of last session's Clean Heat Standard) and the "30x30" biodiversity bill, as well as environmental protection and resilience bills like the bottle bill and ones on river corridors, invasive species, and wildlife. This committee also covers broadband and cellular service.
Before taking up bills, we've been making introductions and receiving updates on progress and priorities from the relevant agency and department leaders (e.g., Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Public Service). All committee sessions are recorded and available for viewing here.
In addition to committee work and the House Democratic Caucus, I've joined several thematic caucuses (Climate, Rural & Tourism, Social Equity and Older Vermonters), enabling collaboration with other legislators on key topics. Some highlights from the caucuses last week: previews of a new paid family leave bill and a comprehensive rural housing bill, and a presentation on the impact of new rules affecting taxpayer funding of private schools. Much more to come on other pressing issues like childcare, workforce and civil and criminal justice reforms.
It's not all business in the State House! The Farmers Night Concert Series has resumed with weekly events each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the House Chamber, free and open to the public. See the full calendar here.
Please stay in touch! Email me at with any questions or concerns, and to sign up for a joint newsletter from Rep. Dolan and me.
Please stop in for regular “office hours” starting with Black Cap Coffee in Waterbury (for the convenience of Duxbury residents) on the second Tuesday of the month at 8 a.m.; Moretown General Store on fourth Mondays at 8 a.m.; and Three Mountain Cafe in Waitsfield on fourth Saturdays at 10 a.m.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Rep. Dara Torre
State Rep. Dara Torre, D-Moretown, is one of two representatives in the Washington-2 district covering Duxbury, Fayston, Moretown, Waitsfield and Warren.