Commentary: Will you do your part to never forget the Holocaust?
Once again, the time is now to educate the next generation about the atrocities that took place then, not only to set the historical record straight, but because the early signs of what brought about the Holocaust—increasing antisemitism, racism, division, assault on truth, and the erosion of democratic values and safeguards—are a clear and present danger in 2023.

LETTER: Duxbury Selectboard chair update and election decision
Hello to all, I hope this letter finds you well, enjoying life in Duxbury.

Secretary of State reflects on time in elected office
For more than 35 years, it has been my great honor to serve the people of Vermont as a public servant as Secretary of State (12 years), State Senator (8 years), and South Burlington City Councilor (18 years).

A Vermont solution to fighting climate change: 100% renewable energy
It’s 2023 and the question is no longer “Is climate change here?” but “What is Vermont going to do to stop it?”

Rep. Wood: Tradition, ceremony, then legislative work begins
As the new year kicks off, so does the Vermont Legislature. The day of opening gavel is set in the Vermont Constitution as the first Wednesday following the first Monday of January.
Commentary: An unprecedented two years
On the morning of Jan. 5, 2023, I’ll gavel-in the Vermont Senate one last time. As my final days draw near, I’m grateful for the opportunity to have served the people of Vermont – what an extraordinary and unprecedented two years it has been.

Rep. Stevens: Looking ahead to new biennium
We’ve welcomed our family home, opened our presents, and dined in a holiday fashion…without a power outage and with the gratitude that comes from what many of us take for granted — shelter, warmth and food.

As 2022 comes to a close
As the year winds down, we want to thank everyone who read, wrote, commented, shared our posts, sent in tips and photos, and made Waterbury Roundabout a part of your routine this year. We’re especially grateful to the readers who have chipped in with financial support.
LETTER: School district should ban dangerous restraint, seclusion practices
To the Community: I encourage the Harwood Unified Union School District School Board to prohibit prone restraints, supine restraints and seclusion.

LETTER: Farmers Market asks for feedback
On behalf of the Waterbury Farmers Market, we are seeking input from the community about what you like about the market, if you ever participated, or possible improvements that we could make for next season.
COMMENTARY: Reflecting on ‘better angels’
President Abraham Lincoln popularized the phrase “better angels” for Americans in his first Inaugural Address as an effort to disguise the polarization of public conversation.

Leahy, Sanders share statements following vote backing Respect for Marriage Act
The United States Senate on Tuesday voted 61-36 to pass the Respect for Marriage Act, legislation to codify in federal law protections for same-sex and interracial marriage.

COMMENTARY: ‘Brave enough to lose’
Susan B. Anthony gave her whole life to the work of voting rights for women. Her whole life. Then she died on the eve of its inevitability.

Giving Thanks 2022
In what’s becoming a Thanksgiving custom now that this is Waterbury Roundabout’s third (!) Thanksgiving online, we asked readers to write in to tell us what they are thankful for this year.

Commentary: Vermonters called for balance and we all need to listen
At 4 a.m. the day before every election, my team and I set out on a 14 County Tour, visiting all of Vermont’s 14 counties in one day.

Giving thanks 2022: What are you thankful for?
Thanksgiving is around the corner and that means it’s time for a feature we’ve done twice so far at this time of year — giving readers a chance to share what you are thankful for this year. We will post your submissions in a special Thanksgiving collection. We would especially love to hear from young people — students of all ages, from pre-K through college.
Wood: There is much work to do
I want to express my deep appreciation to the voters of Bolton, Buel's Gore, Huntington and Waterbury for your confidence in re-electing me to represent you in the Vermont Legislature for another two years.
Stevens: Thank you for your support
I would like to thank the voters in our Washington-Chittenden district — Waterbury, Huntington, Bolton and Buel's Gore — for supporting my candidacy as state representative again.
LETTER: Friends of Waterbury Reservoir invite all to annual meeting Nov. 16
The Friends of Waterbury Reservoir would like to invite the community to join us on Wednesday, Nov. 16, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for our annual Friends of Waterbury Reservoir Meeting at SunCommon, 442 U.S. Route 2, Waterbury.
Tarrant: Letter post-Midterm Election '22
My fellow Vermonters, as I said to myself and others in recent weeks, regardless of outcome, I will continue in good faith to promote a better understanding as to what constitutes good government.