Giving thanks 2022: What are you thankful for?

Nov. 13, 2022 | By Waterbury Roundabout 

November frost on oak leaves. Photo by Gordon Miller

To our readers: 

Thanksgiving is around the corner and that means it’s time for a feature we’ve done twice so far at this time of year — giving readers a chance to share what you are thankful for this year. We will post your submissions in a special Thanksgiving collection.

We would especially love to hear from young people — students of all ages, from pre-K through college. Although everyone is welcome to chime in! Drawings and photos are welcome along with letters, poems, etc. 

Keep written submissions to 250 words or fewer. Photos and art should be a .jpg or .png image file. (Don’t forget a caption.) Be sure to include your name and town. For students, please tell us your grade. 

We have an easy online form to use this year. Find it here. If you have trouble, you can email with ‘THANKSGIVING’ in the subject line, but use the form if possible.

Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18.

~ Lisa Scagliotti, editor


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