LETTER: State to review petition to end trapping of fisher
To the community: It shouldn’t have to come to this. Why does it take Protect Our Wildlife, an all-volunteer Vermont nonprofit, to petition the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife to get them to protect Vermont’s imperiled wildlife?
OPINION: Did they campaign on “Vote for Me, I Will Raise Your Taxes”?
Do you remember the days when if a politician even mentioned raising taxes they were duly excluded from getting your vote? Well, it’s time for Vermonters to wake up and pay attention.
Vermont Phone-Free Schools joins call to create social media warning labels
Over 150 independent medical professionals, parents, teachers, content experts, academic researchers, legislators and attorneys from across the country have signed a letter to congressional leadership asking for action on the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy's call for warning labels on social media products.
OP-ED: Consider a Nikki Haley write-in scenario
Vermont and the District of Columbia each supported Nikki Haley over Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican primaries and each could still rescue America from its present depressing choice in the election with a successful Haley write-in campaign.
OP-ED: VT and the region make progress in fighting global warming
Though the tragic and costly impacts of changing weather extremes on Vermont continue to (justifiably) make headlines, they shouldn’t totally overshadow recent accomplishments in the fight to reduce global warming before it is too late.
LETTER: Thoughts on political leadership
When it comes to governing and providing sorely needed political leadership, particularly during times of financial troubles as well as when there is a serious humanitarian and social crisis, at least to my way of thinking as a layperson, the main concerns of an elected politician or otherwise a candidate seeking political office should not merely be about the administration and management of government, but rather be toward providing proper leadership, particularly and most importantly when balancing competing as well as diverse interests and needs.

House candidate Burns: Legislators as ‘guardians of the people’
The Vermont Constitution states that adherence to “moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality” is “absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty.”

Candidate Donald Koch: On crime and punishment
We hear about it almost every day. The police have arrested someone and charged that person with a crime.

COMMENTARY: State’s new Worcester Range plan halts a century of forest recovery
In the face of repeated floods, dwindling habitat for imperiled species, and a worsening water quality crisis in Lake Champlain, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has released a management plan for the Worcester Range Management Unit that endangers downstream communities and habitat for brook trout, bats, and other species on the brink.

Speaker Krowinski: The governor failed our most vulnerable Vermonters
'At a time when the governor has the ability to use the tens of millions in funds the legislature appropriated — money that could keep families, veterans, children with disabilities, and other vulnerable Vermonters sheltered — he has chosen to look the other way.'

LETTER: Civil Air Patrol hosts open house Oct. 1 at Knapp Airport
I am involved with cadet programming with our local Civil Air Patrol Squadron that meets at Knapp State Airport in Berlin. We are hosting an open house on Tuesday, Oct. 1.
LETTER: The risks of being a bear in Vermont in the fall
If you’re a black bear in Vermont, September means one thing: it’s time to work on your figure by bulking up for winter hibernation.
LETTER: Gene Bifano, Independent candidate for Washington-2 House district
I ran for this seat two years ago trying to alert the Valley to the major issues we are facing today. As well as trying to avoid the issues were having as a vocal member of the House. Sadly, the Valley chose a member of the ruling party.

LETTER: Independent John Burns runs for Washington-2 House seat
I am running for one of the two seats representing the Washington-2 legislative district. The current legislature is wildly out of balance, and I am running as an independent candidate to restore some balance.
Op-Ed: End Homelessness Vermont’s statement on mass un-sheltering
Over 1,000 Vermonters, including hundreds of children will lose their access to shelter by mid-October. This burden will be left on providers, municipalities and our communities in general. We must all agree that our most vulnerable Vermonters — people experiencing homelessness — deserve continuous shelter until they find permanent housing.

COMMENTARY: Shining a spotlight on adult education and literacy
Last year Vermont’s four Adult Education and Literacy providers served over 2,000 students, covering every town and city in the state. Central Vermont Adult Education served 454 people in Washington, Orange, and Lamoille counties.

LETTER: Sugarbush Homeowners Coalition backs White in House race
I am writing on behalf of The Sugarbush Homeowners Coalition to offer our full support for Candice White in her candidacy for the Vermont House of Representatives, representing the Washington-2 District.
LETTER: James Haddad announces Independent run for Vermont House seat
I’m ready to serve Vermont with common sense, fiscal conservative values, and a passion for reducing government spending and taxes.

Opinion: State senate candidate Koch shared climate change views
Those of us who live in Central Vermont know for sure that climate change is happening. Just look at the flooding that has taken place in Barre, Montpelier, Plainfield, Waterbury and the appropriately named “Mad River” Valley! Flooding that in some places exceeded the 500-year flood districts—and all in the two years since our last elections!
LETTER: Outpour ’24 fundraiser benefits flood recovery
On Saturday, Sept. 7, Sugarbush Resort along with the Mad River Rotary and Lawsons Finest Liquids hosted Outpour ’24, a fundraiser to benefit flood victims throughout Vermont.