LETTER: Sugarbush Homeowners Coalition backs White in House race

September 16, 2024

To the Community: 

Candice White of Waitsfield is a Democratic candidate for state representative in the Washington-2 district. Liza Voll Photography

I am writing on behalf of The Sugarbush Homeowners Coalition to offer our full support for Candice White in her candidacy for the Vermont House of Representatives, representing the Washington-2 District. Many of us in the Sugarbush community have known Candice for over a decade, and during that time, we’ve had the privilege of witnessing her dedication—not only through her work at Sugarbush but also through her many contributions to the Mad River Valley.

Candice is guided by a strong moral compass, always striving to do what is right with the highest level of integrity. While she is open to new ideas, she remains steadfast in her core values, never compromising on the principles she holds dear.

Candice’s charm and warmth are complemented by her determination and persistence. She consistently demonstrates a willingness to stand up for what she believes in, and time and again, we’ve seen her advocate for causes that matter.

She has a deep appreciation for what makes the Valley special, and at the same time, she understands what it takes for businesses like Sugarbush to succeed in the long term. Candice has a unique ability to balance the needs of various stakeholders and work toward solutions that

everyone can support. Her approach is thoughtful and measured, recognizing that unchecked spending, whether in business or government, is unsustainable. Candice is committed to fiscal responsibility and ensuring that resources are used wisely and efficiently.

For all these reasons, we believe Candice is the right choice to represent our community in Montpelier. We are confident she will advocate for the interests of both the Mad River Valley and the broader district, and we look forward to supporting her in this endeavor.


Mark Herrmann

Founder, Sugarbush Homeowners Coalition

The Sugarbush Homeowners Coalition represents over 1,000 homeowners in Fayston, Waitsfield and Warren.


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