OPINION: For affordability, equity and climate, the Affordable Heat Act is essential
When it comes to home heating, we simply cannot afford the status quo.
LETTER: Ban the use of seclusion in our schools
Harwood Unified Union School District’s proposed Restraint and Seclusion policy bans the use of prone restraints and supine restraints. The policy does NOT ban seclusion beyond restrictions already in place through state Rule 4500.
Rep. Wood: A ‘deep dive’ into childcare, Pre-K
The month of April will largely be devoted to working on the issue of affordable, accessible and high-quality early care and learning – a.k.a. childcare and Pre-K. The Senate passed bill S.56 which provides a path forward to achieve this goal and now it’s up to the House to further refine, amend, and consider the complicated issue outlined in the legislation.
LETTER: Deadline for Stowe Street Alley art designs extended to May 8
The search is still on for the artist or artists who can help transform Stowe Street Alley in Waterbury from abandoned eyesore to welcoming environment.
Rep. Stevens: Spotlight on three bills headed to the Senate
It was an extremely busy week on the floor of the House. Called “Crossover Week,” we considered a number of bills that are priorities for this session. Bills passed by the House at this point head to the Senate for their consideration, and we will receive bills from the Senate for our consideration as we head into the last third of the session.
LETTER: Start with banning assault weapons
To the Community - while state legislatures across the country create laws to prohibit drag queen story hours, and the teaching of critical race theory, and “wokeness,” and the banning of books, our children continue to die in school shootings.
COMMENTARY: SBA supports women-owned businesses
During Women’s History Month, we have the opportunity to recognize the profound impact women make in every facet of our lives, community, and history.
LETTER: Mad River Glen, ‘an example of true American exceptionalism’
To the Community: Thanks to David Goodman for his tribute to Mad River Glen’s Betsy Pratt, “Remembering Mad River Glen founder Betsy Pratt,” (Waterbury Roundabout, March, 19).

LETTER: FORWARD kicks in $2,500 for ambulance station project
Considering recent media coverage regarding the challenges faced by Emergency Medical Services across the state of Vermont, the Waterbury FORWARD organization is delighted to present Waterbury Ambulance Service Inc. with a grant of $2,500.
Muddied waters following annual city election
Communities like Montpelier play host to the wider area and are largely footing the bill for services that are meeting the needs of other nearby communities and, as a result, are in large part being burdened with more than their fair share compared to neighboring communities at the local and regional level.

Rep. Wood: A look at two key bills moving along in session’s second half
We are at the midpoint of the 2023 legislative session. It was a pleasure to be with you in person at Town Meeting this year. Here’s what we’ve been up to in the House Human Services Committee.

Sen. Bernie Sanders shares student ‘State of the Union’ essays
Dear fellow Vermonters - every year, for more than a decade now, I have held an annual essay contest for Vermont high school students on the “State of the Union.”
LETTER: Proposed Shutesville Hill project conflicts with Waterbury town plan, bylaws
To the Community: Regarding the proposed Shutesville Hill 50-unit development: This project is out of character with the written goals and objectives of Waterbury’s town plan and town bylaws.
Gov. Scott: Vision, priorities, leadership needed to capitalize on historic funding
Town Meeting week is not only a good time to get involved in local politics, but also to check in on what’s going on in state government.
Disability rights group calls for more inclusive town meetings
To the community: For as long as Vermont has been a state, there has been Town Meeting Day – an opportunity for community members to come together and cast their votes for a shared future.
Manager calls attention to important Town Meeting ‘other business’
To the community: On behalf of the Selectboard I wanted to raise awareness about an important item for Town Meeting Day. At the end of the meeting, under "Other Business," the Selectboard would like to engage the community in a conversation about the future of Town Meeting. I am writing this post to encourage everyone to attend Town Meeting and to participate in this conversation.
Letter: Kane Sweeney cares about this town
To the community: My name is Zak Williams and my whole childhood and most of my adult life I have lived in Waterbury.

Commentary: Climate activist explains ‘Why I remain hopeful’
My name is Jordan Heiden. I’m a young Vermonter who drives a hybrid, has 17 solar panels on her roof, and joyfully embraces a fully plant-based diet. I’m also the Keep Vermont Cool campaign manager.
Affordable Heat Act cuts pollution, lowers costs for Vermonters
I grew up in a lower-income family, moving from apartment to apartment. Our family experienced firsthand the challenge of paying for high-cost, fossil fuel-based heat, often in un-weatherized apartments.

Commentary: Is Rube Goldberg owed an apology?
State Sen. Dick McCormack, D-Windsor, was a member of the Vermont Senate during my service in that chamber and his voting record differed from mine in many instances.