Opinion Rep. Theresa Wood Opinion Rep. Theresa Wood

Rep. Wood: A ‘deep dive’ into childcare, Pre-K

The month of April will largely be devoted to working on the issue of affordable, accessible and high-quality early care and learning – a.k.a. childcare and Pre-K.  The Senate passed bill S.56 which provides a path forward to achieve this goal and now it’s up to the House to further refine, amend, and consider the complicated issue outlined in the legislation.

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Opinion Rep. Tom Stevens Opinion Rep. Tom Stevens

Rep. Stevens: Spotlight on three bills headed to the Senate

It was an extremely busy week on the floor of the House. Called “Crossover Week,” we considered a number of bills that are priorities for this session. Bills passed by the House at this point head to the Senate for their consideration, and we will receive bills from the Senate for our consideration as we head into the last third of the session. 

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Opinion MK Monley Opinion MK Monley

LETTER: Start with banning assault weapons

To the Community - while state legislatures across the country create laws to prohibit drag queen story hours, and the teaching of critical race theory, and “wokeness,” and the banning of books, our children continue to die in school shootings. 

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Opinion Morgan W. Brown Opinion Morgan W. Brown

Muddied waters following annual city election

Communities like Montpelier play host to the wider area and are largely footing the bill for services that are meeting the needs of other nearby communities and, as a result, are in large part being burdened with more than their fair share compared to neighboring communities at the local and regional level.

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Opinion Tom Leitz Opinion Tom Leitz

Manager calls attention to important Town Meeting ‘other business’ 

To the community:  On behalf of the Selectboard I wanted to raise awareness about an important item for Town Meeting Day. At the end of the meeting, under "Other Business," the Selectboard would like to engage the community in a conversation about the future of Town Meeting. I am writing this post to encourage everyone to attend Town Meeting and to participate in this conversation.

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