Manager calls attention to important Town Meeting ‘other business’ 

March 4, 2023

To the community: 

On behalf of the Selectboard I wanted to raise awareness about an important item for Town Meeting Day. At the end of the meeting, under "Other Business," the Selectboard would like to engage the community in a conversation about the future of Town Meeting. I am writing this post to encourage everyone to attend Town Meeting and to participate in this conversation.

As we are all well aware, for the last two years there was no town meeting due to the impact of COVID-19, and we transitioned to voting on town business via Australian ballot. This year we return to a traditional Town Meeting.

The transition to Australian Ballot has stirred conversations around the state about the future of Town Meeting. Some towns have noted that voter participation increased when all voting was done via Australian ballot. This has occurred in Waterbury. At Town Meeting Day in years 2017 through 2019, for example, voter participation averaged 15.1%. During the Covid-impacted years of 2021 and 2022, voter participation averaged 24.3%. I used those years as points of comparison because 2016 and 2020 were presidential primary years, which historically results in much higher voter participation (closer to 50%). There was also a high point in 2014, when nearly 40% of registered voters turned out and decided the fate of the municipal building.

When planning Town Meeting, the Selectboard wrestled with this issue. After several discussions they decided that beginning a conversation on Town Meeting Day would be an effective way of hearing from town residents. I want to be clear when I deliberately use the word “conversation.” By law this is not a warned item, so there will not be a vote – this is purely information-gathering.

I also want to note this conversation is not simply about canceling Town Meeting in favor of Australian ballot voting. You actually have an array of options to discuss and consider. In Duxbury, for example, they now have a community meeting in January to review their draft budget and give their residents a chance for input, but conduct all of their business on Town Meeting Day via Australian ballot.

One closing note: If, at some point in the future, there is a formal vote to change the format of Town Meeting Day, that vote can only be held at a Town Meeting. The Selectboard cannot make this change unilaterally – the decision ultimately rests in your hands.

The Selectboard and the staff at Town Hall are looking forward to Town Meeting and hope to see you next Tuesday!

Tom Leitz,

Waterbury Municipal Manager


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