Letter: Kane Sweeney cares about this town

March 1, 2023

To the community: 

My name is Zak Williams and my whole childhood and most of my adult life I have lived in Waterbury. I have deep roots in this community. My mother’s side of the family is Harwoods. Harwood Union High School was named after my great-grandfather, Dr. Charles Harwood. My grandfather, Brian Harwood, was a pillar in the community and worked for WDEV for as long as I can remember.

This town is in my blood and looking back on growing up in Waterbury makes me appreciate it on so many different levels.

The community, at the heart of any great town, is the people who live there. I have watched people in this town give the shirts off their backs, second chances to people who needed it and come together during tragedy and heartbreak.

The landscape. A first impression. Being a town that people want to visit and live in because of its history, and its present attractions from food and dining to shopping and traveling.

I got my first apartment in this town and found it tough for a young 20-year-old to afford rent, groceries and other essentials. Along with getting my first car, simply traveling to work became difficult with the roads being not well-maintained consistently through the year. These two things are so important and vital to everyday life, they need more attention.

I believe the town of Waterbury needs Kane Sweeney more than ever. He is a member of this community, lives and shares the same streets as you, and is focused on making it more affordable to live here and more efficient to travel through town. I encourage Waterbury to vote for Kane Sweeney for Select Board simply because he cares about this town and is a perfect representation of someone who experiences everything someone in Waterbury does and wants to make it better than it already is.

Thank you, 

Zak Williams



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