With an extra engine in the lead, Amtrak’s Vermonter rolls through late and long
On its trip north on Thursday, Amtrak’s Vermonter encountered mechanical problems that caused a lengthy delay, but some extraordinary moves got the train to its home base in St. Albans for the night and its passengers delivered to their destinations.

Waterbury elections: Popular select board race; few school board contenders; March 4 details
As Town Meeting Day approaches, the list of contenders for the three open seats on the Waterbury Select Board has grown to five while candidates for school board seats remain in short supply. The future of in-person town meetings is also up for a vote.

Moretown Town Meeting: Earlier info session, later time for March 4 meeting
Town Meeting in Moretown will get a little head start this year with its informational meeting moved up to Feb. 18 to give voters a chance to get acquainted with the various items of business that they will decide on March 4.

Officials prepare for Waterbury Dam facelift starting in 2027
Nearly 100 years after it was built, the Waterbury dam needs repairs if it’s to withstand more frequent floods that are hitting Vermont.

Federal judge issues identity theft sentence for man who stole vehicles & camped at empty Waterbury armory
BURLINGTON – A well-traveled man who hunkered down at the then-empty Waterbury armory a little over a year ago after swiping three cars – including a U.S. Forest Service vehicle from Manchester – has been sentenced in federal court to two years in prison for aggravated identity theft.

Another chapter begins at 51 South Main Street
A ceremony on Monday morning will mark the start of construction at 51 South Main Street and a new chapter for a small parcel in Waterbury’s downtown that many soon will be able to call home.

Vermont Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine to retire
Gov. Phil Scott on Friday announced that one of his longest-serving administration leaders, Vermont Commissioner of Health Mark A. Levine M.D., will retire at the end of March.

VSP: Cabot woman embezzled from bank in Waterbury
BARRE — A Cabot woman is accused of embezzling from a bank in Waterbury.

Police seek info. in morning hit-and-run on Rt. 100 in Waterbury
Vermont State Police say they hope someone might come forward with information about a crash on Vermont Route 100 in Waterbury Center Thursday morning where the vehicle that caused the mishap fled the scene.

Equipment spill snarls morning commute on I-89 in Waterbury
Equipment spilling out of a moving truck on Interstate 89 littered the roadway on the southbound lanes just past the Waterbury exit on Wednesday morning, damaging multiple vehicles but causing no injuries to any motorists, according to Vermont State Police.

Waterbury joins program to defend water systems from cyber attacks
Waterbury has signed on to be one of the first municipalities in the country to participate — at no cost — in a program to bolster the cybersecurity of its water and wastewater systems to defend against malicious cyber attacks.

Historical society members pinch hit on ski history talk
This year’s Winterfest kicked off with a presentation on the history of ski areas in Waterbury.

Waterbury, Duxbury offices come up short for candidates
Monday was the filing deadline for candidates to get their names on the Town Meeting Day ballot, but there still are multiple local offices in Waterbury and Duxbury with no contenders to be listed.

Gov. Phil Scott delivers budget address
Gov. Phil Scott on Tuesday delivered his ninth budget address to the General Assembly, presenting his proposed budget for fiscal year 2026 which begins on July 1.

Minter to co-chair task force eyeing economic impacts of the Trump administration
Along with state Treasurer Mike Pieciak, Sue Minter of Waterbury will co-chair a new Treasurer’s Task Force on the Federal Transition to assess the economic impact of new policies of the incoming federal administration.

In inaugural address, Gov. Scott promises plan to ‘transform education’
Gov. Phil Scott took the oath of office as governor for the fifth time on Thursday, Jan. 9. This is the full text of his inaugural address with a link to a recording of the ceremony.

Police look to identify suspects in local retail theft cases
Vermont State Police are seeking help from the public to identify individuals in a retail theft investigation that involves incidents recently at the Warren Store in Warren and Stowe Street Emporium in Waterbury.

VSP: Burlington man broke into Waterbury restaurant
BARRE — A Burlington man is accused of breaking into a Waterbury restaurant and driving under the influence of drugs in separate incidents.

Duxbury Selectboard, road foreman clash over proposed wage increases
The Duxbury Selectboard voted on Friday to increase the proposed fiscal year 2026 budget for road crew salaries after Road Foreman Brian Gibbs said he would resign if he did not receive a 20% raise.

‘Have Your Say Day’ catches on: Waterbury, Duxbury hold pre-Town Meeting gatherings
Waterbury town officials have decided to follow neighboring Duxbury’s lead when it comes to drumming up wider participation for Town Meeting. Both communities will have “Citizens Have Your Say Day” meetings on Saturday, Jan. 11; Waterbury a second one on Jan. 13.