COMMENTARY: Support S.27 for medical debt relief
Medical debt is different from other types of debt. No one chooses to get sick or injured, and yet our health care system too often punishes people for getting the care they need.
Business leaders to lawmakers: Care about affordability? Don’t divert child care funds
We urge our state lawmakers and the governor to do the right thing: use every dollar from Act 76 for its intended purpose – solving Vermont’s child care crisis.
LETTER: It’s time to show up
A peaceful demonstration is planned for Saturday in Waitsfield during the planned visit of U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance to the Mad River Valley.
OPINION: School district needs to be open to change
The financial pressures facing our education system are unsustainable, and the cracks are becoming impossible to ignore. If HUUSD cannot afford to educate our students, then we need to acknowledge that consolidation must be explored seriously.
OPINION: Why consider rejecting the HUUSD budget? Reason #3: Affordability
If you consider education spending within the larger context of the financial condition of our communities, state and nation, should we really be looking at increasing education spending? Or should we consider a freeze on spending and insist that our legislature and school districts find ways to do things a lot differently?
Op-Ed: Education “solutions” are failing our kids
If we are getting serious about education reform, we should start with data. A detailed report should be issued for every district in the state. Our new funding system should involve a foundation formula designed for a state that values community and local control.

LETTER: Sweeney to voters - ‘Vote for the future of Waterbury’
Usually, at this time, I make a case for myself and ask for your vote on Town Meeting Day. But this year, I’m asking you to cast your vote for the future of Waterbury.

LETTER: Harwood School Board leaders sound off to lawmakers on education reform proposal
Like many districts across our small but mighty state, we face significant challenges in sustainably funding our schools. However, the recent proposal put forth by the Governor and his Secretary of Education raises serious concerns.

LETTER: Rob Dabrowski looks to join Harwood school board
My name is Rob Dabrowski and I'm a candidate on the Waterbury Town Meeting Day ballot for a full term on the Harwood Unified Union School District School Board.

LETTER: Sandy Sabin announces write-in campaign for Waterbury Select Board
To the Community: My name is Sandy Sabin, and I am running as a write-in candidate for the one-year select board position in Waterbury.
COMMENTARY: What is happening to America?
What is happening now, in America under President Trump, is a disgrace and dishonor to the sacrifice of my father and all those of the “Greatest Generation” who gave their blood, toil, and sweat, and sometimes their lives, to defend the democratic values we used to hold dear against the threat of fascism and dictatorship.

Op-Ed: Harwood, What Are Ya Doin’?
The Harwood Unified Union School District School Board’s Finance Committee is looking into eliminating several sports programs for the 2027 budget year.
LETTER: Corey Hackett looks to continue school board service
My name is Corey Hackett and I am running to fill the remaining two years for a Waterbury seat on the Harwood Unified Union School District School Board.

Op-Ed: Why we can’t ignore healthcare in the education funding discussion
As a member of the House Education Committee – and as a teacher, a mother, and a patient – I have listened with interest to Education Secretary Zoie Saunders. But what is missing is far more impactful to the bottom line: ever-increasing healthcare and hospital costs.

LETTER: Ending school board term, Taravella looks to join select board
To the Community: My name is Tori Taravella. I am running for a one-year term on the Waterbury Select Board.
OPINION: Why consider rejecting the HUUSD budget? Reason #2: Lack of transparency
Providing clear, understandable data to support one's position might be called full transparency. In my opinion, our state education system, requirements, and formulas can stagger the mind and hide – perhaps even misrepresent – a lot of relevant information.

Zuckerman asks, ‘The governor’s risky plan: Did voters ask for this?’
In November, voters sent a clear message to the legislature and the governor: “We can’t afford these property tax increases.” But voters did not ask for their local schools to be closed. They did not ask for the quality of Vermont’s education system to be compromised.

Rep. Torre: Filling in the gaps – information gathering and state budgeting in uncertain times
Washington-2 House District state Rep. Dara Torre, D-Moretown, writes in with an update from the State House, her committee work, and more.

Rep. White: Legislative update & upcoming constituent meetings
I recently spent a week watching committee testimony and the governor’s budget address from my couch as I recovered from Influenza A (despite a vaccination).

House Speaker: Transforming education is going to take all of us
Each legislative biennium begins with a range of issues that need to be addressed – this session is no different as we take on the work to address the pressing challenges in our state. One challenge has risen above all others: the state of our public education system.