Op-Ed: Overcomplicated or simple, the message must still deliver
Since the November election, many Vermont Democrats have been reflecting on the results and lessons learned. To some, a significant problem was messaging.
COMMENTARY: Sen. Williams—we will not “get over it”
The new vice-chair of the Senate Natural Resources Committee, Sen. Terry Williams, R-Poultney, kicks off the legislative session with a rude and dismissive response to a constituent's concerns about trapping.
LETTER: Lobby now for Equal Rights Amendment
Did you know the U.S. does NOT have an Equal Rights Amendment? We have the chance now to get it done. Once and for all. Give women the same protections under the law as men have.
Treasurer Pieciak: Saving for retirement can be an easy New Year’s resolution
As we welcome the New Year, many Vermonters are setting resolutions to build new skills, improve their health, or spend more time with loved ones. This year, let's add a resolution that really pays off: saving for retirement.

COMMENTARY: Central VT Habitat for Humanity mourns the death of former President Jimmy Carter
Central Vermont Habitat for Humanity joins the world in mourning the death of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and joins observances around the world to remember his life of service.
LETTER: There’s time to put the ERA into effect
Did you know the United States does NOT have an Equal Rights Amendment? We have the chance now to get it done once and for all. Give women the same protections under the law as men have.
Op-Ed: Anglers vs. wake boats
Anglers take note: Waterbury Reservoir and nine other Vermont lakes have individually petitioned the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources to ban wakesports and/or wake boats — 500-horsepower behemoth vessels that create artificial wakes for behind-the-boat surfing.
LETTER: Public Support Drives Council on Aging’s many free services
This month, Central Vermont Council on Aging looks to the public to help sustain our diverse selection of free services for older adults in central Vermont.
LETTER: Thank you to Sunflower Natural Foods
Everybody knows it takes a village. It takes collective effort to raise a child, to raise social consciousness and to raise the quality of life. What does it take to nurture and nourish that village? The Sunflower Natural Foods Store has fulfilled that role for the past 20 years.
LETTER: Weigh in now on having wakesports on Waterbury Reservoir
Friends of Waterbury Reservoir urges the community to weigh in on whether wakesports should be allowed on the Waterbury Reservoir. The state holds a public hearing Dec. 12 and will accept written comments through Dec. 23.

LETTER: Holiday tradition rekindles memory of newspapers’ role
Gwenna Peters writes in about the power of journalism and invites readers to donate to Waterbury Roundabout.

LETTER: Kane Sweeney announces run for re-election
Kane Sweeney says he plans to file to be a candidate on Town Meeting Day for a three-year term on the Waterbury Select Board.

LETTER: Vermont’s coyotes deserve empathy
To the Community: So many people lack empathy towards wild animals who are simply trying to survive.

Look close to home for Giving Tuesday
It’s no secret that the final weeks of the year loom large for most nonprofits as a key time to replenish financial reserves. Organizations large and small who rely on their supporters announce their reminders of good work done in recent months and plans for the year ahead to continue their missions.

Reps. Stevens & Wood: Anticipating an ‘unacceptable’ state forecast on education costs
State Reps. Tom Stevens and Theresa Wood say they expect the upcoming annual forecast from the state Tax Commissioner regarding the cost of public education in 2025 and its impact on property taxes will be unacceptable.
COMMENTARY: VT Fish & Wildlife shows us who’s really in charge
A recent article published in the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department’s 2024 Vermont Hunting and Trapping Guide entitled, “A Word of Thanks to Vermont’s Trappers,” illustrates the inherent bias and resulting obstacles to truly scientific, objective management of Vermont’s furbearer species (e.g. otters, bobcats, foxes).

Giving Thanks 2024
Once again, we asked “What are you thankful for this year?” and we're particularly happy that teachers at Crossett Brook Middle School shared the prompt with their students. We have collected notes of thanks and share them with you this Thanksgiving.
Op-Ed: Lamoille superintendent shares letter to Gov. Scott
The following is a letter written to Gov. Phil Scott by Lamoille South Supervisory Union Superintendent Ryan Heraty and shared with the wider community.
Call for submissions: Giving Thanks 2024
For the past 4 years, we've asked readers of all ages, "What are you thankful for this year?" We're asking again this year.
LETTER: Candidate Burns reflects on run for office
To the community: Thanks to all who supported my campaign. Statewide it was good to see voters send the message that they have had enough of Vermont’s runaway legislature. I have spoken to many local voters who feel the same.