Op-Ed: Another $7B bill for Vermont’s taxpayers?
In 2023, the Vermont Legislature passed Act 18 – the Clean Heat Standard – as a crucial step to meet the goals set by the Global Warming Solutions Act in 2020. Its purpose was to focus on how best for Vermont’s homeowners, and businesses to transition to heating solutions that produce fewer emissions.

OPINION: Mourning the loss of Harwood’s trees
The trees standing outside the front of Harwood Union High School have diligently watched over the school and its students for years, welcoming the new ones, greeting the returnees, and waving goodbye to the graduates. The students, however, were unable to say their goodbye to the trees when, without warning, and mere weeks before the start of the school year, they were cut down.

LETTER: To Washington-2 voters from House candidate Candice White
Dear Washington-2 House district residents/voters: I am a Democrat seeking one of two seats in the Vermont House of Representatives for the Washington-2 District – representing the towns of Waitsfield, Warren, Fayston, Moretown and Duxbury – and I am asking for your vote.
LETTER: The cost of gambling with our lives
To the Community: Did it really have to come to disaster on such a widespread scale for folks to consider human-induced climate change to be real?
LETTER: Is Waterbury interested in a community bike share?
Imagine seeing your neighbors choosing to ride a bike to the shops, or to work, dropping their child at school on the way.
Interested? Then please voice your support at the Waterbury Select Board meeting Monday, Aug. 5.
LETTER: Harwood class of 1981 hosts reunion on Aug. 10
Officers from the Harwood Union class of 1981 and the organizing committee invite fellow classmates to our reunion on Aug. 10 beginning at 4 p.m. at the Waterbury Fish and Game Club, 5365 Waterbury-Stowe Road.
LETTER: Repeating important info on deterring bears from our yards
It's that time of year — a bear just crossed my yard, again. I hope collectively we can take the proper steps to keep these beautiful animals safe.

LETTER: State commission will address state education funding reform
Many cost-containment ideas are longstanding recommendations that will be under review in the inclusive, consensus-building process underway now.
Op-Ed: Fortifying Vermont’s flood defenses for the future
The repeated damage we’ve encountered – crumbling roadways, devastated driveways, infrastructure deterioration, and access-blocking debris – underscores an unpleasant reality: flooding in our home state is not an isolated incident, but a recurring challenge we need to address with foresight and strategy.

Vt. Conservation Voters releases legislative Environmental Scorecard
Vermont Conservation Voters has released its Vt. Environmental Scorecard for the 2023-2024 legislative session, a tool developed to help Vermonters track legislators’ voting records on key environmental issues in the latest legislative biennium.
LETTER: Have you Heard about Project 2025?
The local progressive political group Indivisible Mad River Valley calls attention to Project 2025 with a meeting planned for Aug. 1 to discuss the proposal.

Op-Ed: Setting the record straight on education funding in Vermont
What’s the worst thing to do when you are stuck in a hole? Continuing to dig. And what is the worst thing to do in an affordability crisis? Make things less affordable.
LETTER: There’s an alternative to ‘a powerhouse team’
The same team that was just touted as wielding extraordinary power and influence in Montpelier … they are our best choice for correcting the damage they helped create?

LETTER: Look to cornfield for flood mitigation
I implore our local and state officials to look at the cornfield today. You'll see crushed corn along the perimeter, yet no damage to most of the middle. The field has a crown that is actually higher than properties along Randall Street.

Shepeluk: Marking the first anniversary of the July 2023 flood
A year after the July 2023 flood, the real work of building resiliency is just beginning. CReW is actively encouraging property owners to set their sights higher than simply repairing their damaged structures, returning them to pre-flood condition and status.
LETTER: A case for a powerhouse team
If this primary came down to young Democrat versus old Democrat, I would not feel compelled to write this. However, this is not that.
Op-Ed: Vermont’s bear hunt exposed
It took a public records request sent to the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife, but Vermonters now have a clearer picture of the 2023 bear hunt.
LETTER: Raising $1.4 million – one doughnut at a time
Waterbury Ambulance Service is thrilled to announce a delicious way to help fund our Station Creation Project. Partnering with Krispy Kreme, we're offering pre-orders for their iconic doughnuts. Every doughnut you purchase brings us closer to a desperately needed new facility!
LETTER: School ‘extraordinary expenditures’ deserve a closer look
The governor’s newly appointed Secretary of Education has sparked unfounded fears of charter schools in Vermont. However, the real issue is that private special education services are already here and draining millions from each school district with inflated tuition rates, often exceeding $100,000 per student annually.

Feeling overridden? Join House candidates at a town hall event
Please join me and our neighbors upstairs at the Huntington Town Library on July 11 at 7 p.m. and at the Main Street fire station in Waterbury on July 17 at 7 p.m.