Op-Ed: The Harwood Union school budget must be defeated
This is the most important school budget vote that we’ve ever had in the 24 years I’ve lived in Waterbury.
School board leaders: We need your input in the form of your vote
Dear Harwood community, we write to ask you to support the school district budget during Town Meeting Day on Tuesday, March 5.
Treasurer Pieciak: The case for paid family and medical leave
As Vermont's State Treasurer, I am dedicated to supporting the financial well-being of all Vermonters. Last year, our office’s public retirement initiative, VT Saves, was unanimously approved by the legislature, supported by the governor, and signed into law.
Rep. Stevens: Six weeks down, looking ahead to the next six
The Legislature just wrapped up the first third (six weeks) of the session.

Cheryl Schoolcraft Gloor: First-time candidate for Waterbury Select Board
Hello Waterbury community, as a member of our community wishing to serve on the Waterbury Select Board, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.
Op-Ed: A fairer tax system can make Vermont more affordable for all
Today in Vermont, the top 1% of income earners—those who make over $500,000 a year—pay a lower share of their income in state and local taxes than a Vermont family making about $80,000 a year, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

Kane Sweeney: Looking to a second year on the Select Board
Friends, a year ago, when I came to you asking for your vote for a one-year seat on the Selectboard, I made a point to drive home the need for housing, both affordable and market rate.

Ian Shea: Seeking a one-year Select Board seat
Dear fellow members of the Waterbury community, I am both grateful and honored to announce my candidacy for the Select Board 1-year position in our town of Waterbury.
Rep. Stevens: On the armory shelter proposal, ‘know we hear your concerns’
To the Community: I want to thank the number of my neighbors who have written emails or posts to Front Porch Forum with their thoughts on the proposal for using the Waterbury Armory for a congregate shelter for up to 50 individuals who are experiencing homelessness.
Legislative report: Bill would end flavored e-cigarettes, menthol cigarettes
The legislature is considering S.18 – an act related to banning certain flavored tobacco products and e-liquids.
Central Vt. Career Center budget is on the March 5 ballot
Town Meeting is just around the corner and I wanted to take a moment to remind you that the Central Vermont Career Center’s budget is on one of the ballots available at your Town Clerk’s office.
Op-Ed: Assessing the Harwood Union school budget
How will you assess the current proposed Harwood Union Unified School District (HUUSD) budget of $50.8 million? We are fortunate in Vermont in that citizens have the right to vote on the school budget. What will be your vote?
OPINION: Vermont ‘Baby Bonds’ would create economic opportunity
Recently, Vermont state Treasurer Mike Pieciak, Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale, D-Chittenden Southeast, and Rep. Daniel Noyes, D-Wolcott, introduced a ‘Baby Bonds’ initiative, a program that would invest $3,200 for every low-income Vermont child born on Medicaid.
Rep. Wood: ‘Our community deserves answers’ on shelter proposal
As most people know by now, over the last couple of weeks the town of Waterbury, including your state representatives, were made aware of a proposed shelter for people experiencing homelessness at the site of the former armory building. We did not have any advance warning of this proposal.
Commentary: Responding to H.72 and overdose prevention centers
Let me start by disclosing that I am a lifelong Vermonter and consider myself a fiscal conservative and a social moderate. (In years past I would have thought that description to be a somewhat typical Vermonter.)
LETTER: ‘If our systems fail one of us, they fail us all’
It seems the discussion about the “proposed” homeless shelter at the former armory building has taken on an us vs. them dichotomy that I believe ignores or, at the very least, oversimplifies the nuance and complexity of homelessness.

Manager update: Following up on state shelter proposal
Regarding the state’s plan to open a shelter at the former National Guard Armory: “We do plan to have a more formal discussion at the selectboard meeting on Monday, Feb. 19, at which time we hope to have more concrete details to share.”
LETTER: Mailing error sends letters to Waterbury
The Mad River Valley Ambulance Service recently sent out its annual subscription renewal/purchase form.
LETTER: Station should ‘consider the impact’ of radio ad’s message
Writer Randy George of Moretown sent the following letter to the new owners of Radio Vermont/WDEV Meyers Mermel and Scott Milne regarding an ad airing on the station for a gun show in Barre this weekend, Feb. 3-4. He shares it with the community here.
Kane Sweeney: Affordable housing now
Last year, I promised to work hard to expand affordable housing in the town of Waterbury. To date, the only affordable housing project that was approved in the last year was 51 South Main Street. That’s unacceptable to me and to many renters within our borders. It’s simply not enough.