LETTER: Rep. Stevens looks to continue work on issues and for constituents
August 11, 2024
To the Community:
I have been privileged to represent the Washington-Chittenden district in the State House for 16 years. I am currently serving my third term as Chair of the General & Housing Committee. Over the time of my service, I have fought for bread-and-butter issues for Vermonters — from funding over 3,000 new affordable housing units to increasing the minimum wage, from paid sick days allowing employees time off when they are ill to creating opportunities for first-generation homeowners to purchase a home.
I am proud of my work on your behalf in Montpelier. Constituent service is the really the heart and soul of our work — helping get in touch with the right people when you can’t get a satisfactory answer, listening and hearing the difficulties of living in a society that feels like it is leaving you behind and using your experience to inform my work in way that tries to leave no one behind, and working directly with you on important issues like child care, climate resilience and public safety.
If elected, I will continue to work on issues that are important to us all: Securing funding for the creation and rehabilitation of housing that is affordable and available; supporting the upcoming study on education financing; fighting for increased funding for flood recovery and for floodplain restoration in all our communities, and supporting families young and old. We all do better when we all do better.
I ask for your vote on April 13. Let’s keep Vermont creative and strong, a beautiful place where we can live, work and play.
Rep. Tom Stevens
Tom Stevens
Rep. Tom Stevens, D-Waterbury, is running for re-election for one of two seats in the Washington-Chittenden House district representing Bolton, Buel’s Gore, Huntington and Waterbury. He chairs the House General and Housing Committee.