Letter: Endorsing Chris Viens

March 1, 2023

To the community: 

Chris Viens is a true lifelong Vermonter as a Waterbury resident, family man, local builder and contractor, and for nearly a decade a member of the Waterbury Select Board.   

For years, as publisher of Exit 10, and then as videographer of Select Board meetings, I have watched how Chris’ knowledge of Waterbury and its workings is invaluable. I am always impressed as he listens carefully to proposals, researching their possible impacts on our town and budgets.  His arguments for or against any proposal are well thought out before he casts a vote.   

Over his years on the board, Chris has put forward many tax- and money-saving items for our infrastructure and town needs based on his working knowledge and experience living in Waterbury. He always keeps the very best overall interests of the entire community in mind. At this time, with the many changes in our municipal personnel, Chris’ frame of reference and experience on the board and in the town is needed more than ever in order to continue our forward progress.

For these and many other reasons, I strongly endorse Chris Viens for one of the two open Select Board seats, and encourage everyone else to do the same when voting.



Anne M. Imhoff

Waterbury Village


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