Invitation to readers: Giving Thanks 2023

November 8, 2023 | By Lisa Scagliotti 

To our readers: 

Turkeys in Waterbury Center. Photo by Gordon Miller

As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s time for us to ask if you would share your thoughts for our annual Giving Thanks feature.

For the past three years, we have asked readers of all ages to send us notes, photos, drawings, poems, etc. to share what they are thankful for this year.

We will post submissions in a special Thanksgiving collection.

We especially love to hear from young people — students of all ages, from pre-K through college.

Please keep written submissions to 250 words or fewer. Note your name and town. For students, please tell us your grade and school. 

Photos and art should be a .jpg or .png image file. (Be sure to include a caption saying what’s in the photo, where it was taken, who took it.)

We have an easy online form to use. Find it here. If you have trouble, send an email to us at with ‘THANKSGIVING’ in the subject line, but please use the form if possible. (That helps us keep track so submissions aren’t in a crowded email inbox.)

In order to have time to compile the entries, we have a deadline one week before Thanksgiving.

We are looking forward to seeing, reading and sharing your submissions!

Deadline: Noon on Thursday, Nov. 16.

~ Lisa Scagliotti, editor


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