More than 10,500 households join Sen. Sanders for seniors virtual town meeting
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., held a telephone town meeting recently geared toward older Vermonters and people from more than 10,500 households around the state joined in.

Rolling through town: Vermont National Guard escorts Santa tonight
Soldiers and airmen of the Vermont National Guard will escort Santa Claus across Northwestern Vermont tonight starting in St. Albans and ending in Berlin with a pass through downtown Waterbury right around 7 p.m.

Full plate for Waterbury Select Board tonight: police, schools, federal windfall, and 2023 budget
Tonight’s Select Board meeting has a full agenda running the gamut with visits with representatives of the Vermont State Police and the Harwood Unified Union School District, a report on the recent community survey on how to spend federal economic stimulus funding, and a start to preparing a draft budget for 2023.

National Guard unit ends Vermont service; vacates Waterbury armory
A ceremony last weekend at the Waterbury National Guard armory brought together several dozen soldiers along with their commanders including the Vermont Adjutant General. All traveled to Waterbury for a solemn ceremony that would add one more line to the storied history of Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 101st Field Artillery Regiment, 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain). The unit has been reassigned to Massachusetts as part of nationwide National Guard troop realignments.

Analysis of bones finds no connection to Messier case
A follow up analysis of objects found along the Winooski River between Duxbury and Waterbury has determined that bone fragments turned over to investigators are not human remains, according to Vermont State Police.

Road Work | Dec. 8-16
A project to replace a culvert under Blush Hill Road that town officials thought would get postponed until 2023 will get under way on Thursday morning, Dec. 8.

Vermont Air National Guard conducts night flights this week
The Vermont Air National Guard will conduct night flying operations this week, Tuesday-Friday, Dec. 6-9. One afternoon and one evening takeoff period are scheduled per day from the base at Burlington International Airport.

Town to residents: How would you like to spend $1.2 million?
The Canadian folk-rock band Barenaked Ladies sings “If I Had $1,000,000.” The Waterbury Select Board has a similar exercise ahead and would like the community’s input in a survey or at a meeting Monday evening.

Duxbury Historical Society acquires South Duxbury Church and Sunshine Hall
The Duxbury Historical Society recently acquired the South Duxbury Church and Sunshine Hall across the street from Harwood Union Middle/High School on Vermont Route 100.

Help wanted: Representative-elect Balint seeks congressional staff
U.S. House Representative-elect Becca Balint is accepting applications for positions in her congressional offices with her recent campaign manager leading the transition.

State seeks members for new Environmental Justice Advisory Council
MONTPELIER – The Vermont Senate Committee on Committees and the Speaker of the House are conducting a public application process to fill open seats on the newly formed Environmental Justice Advisory Council.

Duxbury votes to shift Town Meeting Day business, elections to paper ballots
More than 100 Duxbury residents gathered Wednesday night for a rare November town meeting and voted to change how the town will conduct business come Town Meeting Day in March.

River of Light on TV; in person with ‘Marvelous Magic’ Dec. 3
The 13th annual River of Light Lantern Parade happens Saturday, Dec. 3, with a theme this year of “Marvelous Magic” as the event gets some national attention with scenes from last year’s parade and its special guest featured in a new HBO documentary released today.

Former Central Vermont pharmacist gets probation for third drug theft
BURLINGTON – A former Central Vermont pharmacy manager has been sentenced in U.S. District Court to serve three years on federal probation after he was caught stealing drugs for a third time, court records show.

Winter parking ban in effect Nov. 15-April 15
Waterbury’s Winter Parking Ban goes into effect Tuesday, Nov. 15, through April 15. That means no parking on municipal streets between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. regardless of whether it is snowing or not. Violators will be towed.

Investigators examine items found in Messier disappearance case
A month after the pickup truck belonging to Donald Messier was pulled from the Winooski River in Duxbury, investigators continue to pore over newly found objects in the river that may provide clues in the 2006 missing person case.

Road Work | Nov. 14-18
Here is a list of road and related construction projects in Waterbury and the nearby area that may affect travels this week.

Duxbury: Election comes with reminder of another vote next week
Vote today and vote again next week – that was the message Duxbury residents got when they showed up to the town polling place on Tuesday outside the town garage and offices. As they voted in the General Election, residents were reminded to come out on Nov. 16 for a special in-person town meeting and vote.

Democrats sweep Washington County Senate race
Two incumbents and the mayor of Montpelier, all Democrats, have been elected to the three seats representing Washington County and the towns of Braintree, Orange and Stowe in the state Senate.

Voters re-elect Waterbury state Reps. Stevens and Wood
Riding a wave of strong voter participation in Tuesday’s election, Waterbury state Reps. Tom Stevens and Theresa Wood prevailed in a four-way race to represent the Washington-Chittenden district in the Vermont House.