National Guard unit ends Vermont service; vacates Waterbury armory  
News Lisa Scagliotti News Lisa Scagliotti

National Guard unit ends Vermont service; vacates Waterbury armory  

A ceremony last weekend at the Waterbury National Guard armory brought together several dozen soldiers along with their commanders including the Vermont Adjutant General. All traveled to Waterbury for a solemn ceremony that would add one more line to the storied history of Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 101st Field Artillery Regiment, 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain). The unit has been reassigned to Massachusetts as part of nationwide National Guard troop realignments.

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Road Work | Dec. 8-16
Lisa Scagliotti Lisa Scagliotti

Road Work | Dec. 8-16

A project to replace a culvert under Blush Hill Road that town officials thought would get postponed until 2023 will get under way on Thursday morning, Dec. 8.

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Winter parking ban in effect Nov. 15-April 15
News Waterbury Roundabout News Waterbury Roundabout

Winter parking ban in effect Nov. 15-April 15

Waterbury’s Winter Parking Ban goes into effect Tuesday, Nov. 15, through April 15. That means no parking on municipal streets between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. regardless of whether it is snowing or not. Violators will be towed. 

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Road Work | Nov. 14-18
Waterbury Roundabout Waterbury Roundabout

Road Work | Nov. 14-18

Here is a list of road and related construction projects in Waterbury and the nearby area that may affect travels this week. 

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Duxbury: Election comes with reminder of another vote next week
News Lisa Scagliotti News Lisa Scagliotti

Duxbury: Election comes with reminder of another vote next week

Vote today and vote again next week – that was the message Duxbury residents got when they showed up to the town polling place on Tuesday outside the town garage and offices. As they voted in the General Election, residents were reminded to come out on Nov. 16 for a special in-person town meeting and vote.

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