Warren July 4 Parade
July 15, 2022 | By Lisa Scagliotti
Warren's Fourth of July parade attracted thousands to the quaint Mad River Valley Main Street on Monday. True to tradition, entries celebrated local libraries, supported pollinators, saluted Jerry Garcia, and even displayed the friendly local rivalry between Sugarbush and Mad River Glen ski areas.
But the most creative and passionate messaging and float-building was reserved for political commentary skewering recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, particularly its June 24 ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.
Mad River TV recorded the event. And parade organizers posted honors on their Facebook page:
Grand Marshalls: Win Smith and Maggie Smith
Best on Theme: Prickly Mountain Crew
Best in Show: Liberty Valley w/ Sickie the Moretown
Best Dance Routine: Librarians of the Mad River Valley & Beyond
Best Political Promotional: Joe Benning
Best Community Promotional: Mad River Rotary
Best Commercial: Vee’s Flowers
Most Team Spirit: Sugarbush
Most Political: The Uterus Crew
Most Patriotic: Asa MacDonald
Most Environmental: Warren Village & Sellers Family
Most Cooperative Coops: Mad River Glen & Cabot
Best Kids: Sculpture School
Most Inclusive: Freedom to Be Me (LGBTQ)
Most Elegant: Chris Butch
Covid Success: AJ Recycling
Most Philanthropic: Free Wheelin’
Best Antique Farm Vehicle: The Keiths’ tractors
Best Antique Cars: Appletons, Wares & Steinman/Rodgers
Best Motor Bike: Free Range Rippers
Best eBike: FlatLander Express
Best 1 Person Float: Funky Yeti
Best Hair Doo: Buddy the Alpaca
Best 4 Footed Participant: Green Mountain Dog Camp
Most Community Oriented: Mind the Gap (Roxbury that is)
Most Liberty: Valley Dems
Best Newcomer: Fluffy (Beta Technologies)
Best Family: Wayfarer Farm
Best in Communication: Mad River Television
Most Optimistic: Superintendent Dr. Mike Leichliter
Most Musical: Mad River Light & Sound w/ Bifler
Funniest: Yestermorrow
Smallest Float: Rocking 80s Girls
Best Wave: Mckayla Kingsbury as Miss Liberty
Most Opportunistic: Liberty Queens
Best Bribe: Zen Barn
Best Sneak Entry: Birthday Boy Tiger Baird
Welcome Back: Hap’s Garage
Just Because: Doug Ricketts
People’s Favorite: Mind the Gap
Best Dancing: Funky Yeti
Photos by Lisa Scagliotti