May 10: Northern Lights
May 14, 2024 | By Waterbury Roundabout
Northern Lights from Waterbury Center with Camels Hump on the horizon. Photo by Belva Hayden
Barely a month after the Total Solar Eclipse, the skies over Vermont put on a spectacular lights show on Friday, May 10, as the Aurora Borealis was extraordinarily active across the Northern Hemisphere.
Waterbury Reservoir from Blush Hill. Photo by Anna Brundage
The colors and waves of light across the night sky were visible across the region and night owls everywhere got outdoors to capture the spectacle.
We asked readers to send us their best shots. Here is a collection of many of them. (If you don’t see yours, apologies. Some downloaded too small to reproduce well.) We also were excited to see submissions from well beyond Waterbury and our nearest neighboring towns, letting us know we have readers far and wide, like this shot from South Hero.
Lake Champlain in South Hero. Photo by Kristy Coleman
Many thanks to everyone who shared their awesome photographs. Click the images below to enlarge and see captions and credits.