From dancing fireflies to a raging summer torrent

June 29, 2024 | Photos by Gordon Miller 

Photographer Gordon Miller has captured some remarkable moments recently.

Fireflies have been abundant this month and he’s ventured out in early evening hours to photograph them dancing along River Road in Duxbury. Long exposures from 30 seconds to 4 minutes catch the tiny flying lights as well as beams from cars crossing the bridge and along the road.

Photo by Gordon Miller

Bolton Potholes June 23

Sunday, June 23, brought heavy rain and wind and tornado warnings across Vermont. Traveling Route 2 in Bolton, Gordon stopped to check out the roar of the brook coming through the Bolton Potholes. Shots below of the extraordinary torrent.

Bolton Potholes, June 23. Photo by Gordon Miller


Summer scenes 2024


May 10: Northern Lights