LETTER: The Richmond Holiday Market is coming back
A small group of local crafters will be hosting a Richmond Holiday Market on Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We’re looking for crafters and volunteers!

Breaking down the vote on H.887 to fund schools
voted in favor of H.887. To be absolutely clear, I did this with no great joy in overriding the governor’s veto.

LETTER: Reservoir Friends, Darn Tough workers team up for cleanup
The Friends of Waterbury Reservoir is an organization that prides itself on being a contributing member to the community, both on and off the reservoir.

LETTER: Gratitude for 4th grade graduation and anti-racism achievements
Thursday, June 13th, brought immense pride and reflection as we gathered to celebrate fourth-grade graduation from Brookside Primary School. Yes, my son graduated!

Op-Ed: Rodenticides have devastating impacts fishers
As a conservation biologist, I am alarmed about recent data concerning the impact of anticoagulant rodenticides on Vermont’s wildlife.
Op-Ed: The veto session – a call to Waterbury’s legislators from a voting citizen
On Monday, June 17, the legislature will hold their veto session in hopes of overriding many (or all) of Gov. Phil Scott's vetoes. I am publicly calling for all of our Waterbury legislators NOT to override these vetoes.

Rep. Stevens: Veto session convenes Monday
On June 17-18, the General Assembly will convene for a veto session. We will be considering voting to override up to seven bills that Gov. Phil Scott vetoed over the last several weeks. I will be voting to override each and every one of these vetoes.
LETTER: In support of a Select Board resolution on Gaza
I’m writing to share my support for the call for the Waterbury Select Board to adopt a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
LETTER: Plumbing contractor retires, hands off business
Tim Baker, owner of ASAP Plumbing & Heating, writes in about his retirement and successor.

Barre native Donald Koch joins Washington Senate race
I believe our elected officials work for the people, and should keep their constituents informed about the issues and their activities.

Sen. Anne Watson seeks second term
I heard from many constituents over the last two years with your ideas and concerns, and I am impressed with the collective wisdom that came from folks in Central Vermont.

Rep. Dara Torre to seek a second term in the House
To the Community: I’m excited to share that I’m running for re-election to represent Duxbury, Moretown, Fayston, Waitsfield and Warren.

Candidate Announcement: Candice White to seek Washington-2 House seat
Candice White of Waitsfield has announced her candidacy for the Vermont House of Representatives, Washington-2 District.

Elizabeth Brown announces run for Vermont House seat
I am a working mom, so concerned about our state that I could no longer sit on the sidelines. Running for the House of Representatives is not a small decision for me and my family, but it is one that we feel strongly about.
LETTER: Petition urges Select Board to pass Gaza ceasefire resolution
Many of you have seen a petition circulating in the community calling on the Waterbury Select Board to adopt a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. If you haven’t seen that petition and would like to sign it, you can find it at change.org/WaterburyCeasefire.
Op-Ed: Let's encourage bears to eat what's theirs
There has been an uptick in reports of our black bears across Vermont getting into trash that people have left out and entering cars and homes in search of food.
LETTER: Appearance of conflict is a troubling trend
To the Community: I recently wrote to the Harwood Unified Union School Board raising my serious concerns about a conflict of interest involving Moretown school board member Ben Clark, stemming from his spouse's position as a principal within the district.
LETTER: Board member sees school district moving forward
Folks, we are Harwood Strong. We will weather this storm like we have done with other troubling times and events and will get through it together. Hopefully we will pass the school budget now and move on to discussions about reorganizing the Harwood Unified Union School District and building a new, strong, and even better-consolidated union district.
LETTER: Parent, educator, former board member urges ‘yes’ vote – ‘don’t take it out on the kids’
I urge readers to vote YES for the school budget on or before May 30. For me, it's simple at this point. Our children are the future of our communities. We need to invest in them.
Op-Ed: Why we can still feel OK voting ‘no’ on this school budget
To the Community: I have posted numerous detailed pieces with sources cited in the Waterbury Roundabout and Front Porch Forum in recent months. Below is a summary of key points from those posts.