LETTER: Student says ‘these teachers have helped us understand our world’
Dear Dr. Mike Leichliter & School Board, I have heard through the grapevine that people will be cut due to the fact that our budget failed. I understand the need to cut costs so you can pass this budget, but I would also like to add that I think cutting language teachers is a step too far.

Rep. Stevens: Legislative highlights and plans for another run
As it always does, the Legislature came grinding to an end with a final vote on the Fiscal Year 25 budget. This year, we gaveled out at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 11. We worked long enough to miss seeing the Northern Lights when we were done!
School Board responds to former board members’ call for consolidation
To the Editor, we read with interest the op-ed posted by former HUUSD board members, “Rightsizing our schools” on May 17. We agree with their argument that all options for the future of the school district should be on the table.
LETTER: Harwood student writes to the voters
From a student to my hometown: Our community, our families, our friends, and our children. We reach out to each other for help, every day. We’re good neighbors – we’ll help you move that new couch or come over to help with your weeds, but how will you, as a community, help its youth?
LETTER: Athletics, theatre, clubs eyed for next round of school budget cuts
Have you read the Frequently Asked Questions document from the Harwood Unified Union School District about this next budget vote? If you haven't read it yet, you should, there is one passage in particular that gives me immense pause:

LETTER: Annual Waterbury Ambulance Service subscription drive is on
Waterbury Ambulance Service is proud to announce the launch of our 2024/2025 Subscription Program, reaffirming our commitment to providing exceptional prehospital emergency care to the communities of Waterbury, Duxbury, and part of Moretown.
LETTER: Budget uncertainty could spark ‘an exodus of qualified early and mid-career teachers’
There are a few pieces missing about this budget discussion that I’d like to share.
LETTER: Vote ‘yes’ but ask to keep World Language program
I am writing in support of the Elementary World Language Program in the Harwood Unified Union School District. I don’t live in the HUUSD, so I am not able to vote on the upcoming budget, but I have worked in this community for 8 years.
Rightsizing our schools: Former board members suggest a path forward for the Harwood district
The voters have now rejected the Harwood Unified Union School District budget twice, rejecting both the original budget and a slightly lower second proposal that made cuts in one-time expenditures but failed to address the long-term structural spending problem that faces our district.
Rep. Wood: Adjourned with education changes, and election on the horizon
The regular session of the 2024 Legislature adjourned Saturday, May 11, at just past 2 a.m. A variety of bills passed in the last week and are headed to the governor’s office for his decision to sign, let pass into law without his signature, or to veto.
LETTER: ‘Vote, and vote yes’ – 9th grade student adds voice to school budget debate
As a 9th grader at Harwood Union High School, I am concerned about the budget. Part of what's missing from this conversation is the student voice, and I'd like to contribute mine, and talk about how this problem, from my perspective, will affect our school community not only now, but in the future.
LETTER: School budget reflects the work of and need for school administrators
I am a resident of Duxbury and a teacher at Crossett Brook Middle School. I respectfully disagree that our district’s budget decisions are, as one community member stated, “not about what’s best for students but rather about further safeguarding administrative positions.”

Op-Ed: Urging Gov. Scott to sign S.213, the Flood Safety Act
The Flood Safety Act, S.213, makes changes to Vermont’s statutes to help Vermont become more resilient to future flooding.

Rep. Dolan: Stepping aside after six years in the House
I want to let you know that I will not be seeking a fourth term as state representative for our two-seat district.
LETTER: Sharing Vermont’s Lost Submarine USS Flier (SS-250) Memorial
At the Veterans Administration Medical Center in White River Junction, there is a memorial dedicated to the Submarine USS Flier (SS 250) lost during World War II.
LETTER: Base your ‘no’ vote to the school budget on facts
My name is Frank Provato, and I have been a resident of Waterbury Center for 24 years. You are being asked to vote again on a new school budget proposal. Please do not base your decision on wanting to “just get this over with.”

OP-ED: A Data Privacy Law for All of Us
Last week, the Vermont Legislature voted out one of the most impactful consumer bills seen in decades, H.121, an act relating to enhancing consumer data privacy and the age-appropriate design code.
LETTER: In support of the latest Harwood school budget proposal
It is imperative that we band together as a community to pass the school budget on May 30.
LETTER: Support the school budget while opposing language program cuts
My name is Rebecca Chartrand. I teach French at Brookside Primary School. I attended the Harwood Unified Union School District School Board meeting on May 8 knowing that the HUUSD administration would be proposing a third budget to go to voters. What I didn’t expect was for them to be eliminating the entire elementary world language program K-6.
OPINION: Taking issue with expanded childcare credit
I am writing in response to the May 3 Waterbury Roundabout letter, “Act 76 sparks newfound stability for child care programs, families” submitted by 15 Vermont child care program directors.