Opinion Eireann McDonough Opinion Eireann McDonough

LETTER: Harwood student writes to the voters

From a student to my hometown:  Our community, our families, our friends, and our children. We reach out to each other for help, every day. We’re good neighbors – we’ll help you move that new couch or come over to help with your weeds,  but how will you, as a community, help its youth?

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Opinion Rebecca Chartrand Opinion Rebecca Chartrand

LETTER: Support the school budget while opposing language program cuts

My name is Rebecca Chartrand. I teach French at Brookside Primary School. I attended the Harwood Unified Union School District School Board meeting on May 8 knowing that the HUUSD administration would be proposing a third budget to go to voters. What I didn’t expect was for them to be eliminating the entire elementary world language program K-6.

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