Opinion: Act 127 was overdue and is good law
Vermont stands as a beacon of community values. Yet, beneath this facade, our education system has harbored inequities for decades that undermine these very principles. Enter Act 127—a legislative commitment to Vermomt’s constitutional guarantee for equity, opportunity and fairness for every child in our state.
Commentary: We’re Moms. Our kids are in public school. We helped pick Zoie Saunders as Vt. Education Secretary
As members of Gov. Phil Scott’s cabinet and senior staff, we were part of the team who interviewed candidates for our next secretary of the Agency of Education. All five of us are also moms of kids currently in, or graduated from, Vermont’s public school system.
Opinion: State health and education leaders on supporting LGBTQIA+ youth
Recently, news media reported that transgender teenager Nex Benedict’s tragic and senseless death in Oklahoma was deemed a suicide. As details continue to emerge, one thing remains clear: the bullying and hate that led to Nex’s death is a call for all of us to stop physical and emotional violence against LGBTQIA+ youth, and to educate children and adults that all people are to be valued.
From the State House: Rep. Wood explains child abuse standards bill
It was good to see folks during Town Meeting, an opportunity I always appreciate! When we returned to the State House the looming deadline of crossover was upon us. This is the date by which all policy committees must have bills voted out of their committees in order to be considered this year.
LETTER: Doctor urges Gov. Scott’s signature on S.18’s flavored nicotine ban
The Vermont Legislature passed S.18 and soon the bill will make its way to the desk of Gov. Phil Scott. By banning the sale of addictive flavored products containing nicotine, such as vapes and menthol-flavored cigarettes, the bill will, in short, save money, save lives, and prevent suffering.

LETTER: Backcountry rescue team cautions against eclipse hiking trips
If you choose to hike despite our advice, it is imperative that you plan your own rescue. Do not expect a helicopter to come and rescue you. It will not happen. This is not TV.
LETTER: For the lack of a coherent plan
Finding a better way to meaningfully and seriously address homelessness within the state long-term has been handled by all sides as nothing more than a political football.
LETTER: Gratitude for Harwood She’s The First fundraiser success
To the Community - Harwood’s chapter of She’s the First would like to thank all of the businesses that helped make our raffle a success. She’s the First provides support for girls in developing nations.

Revitalizing Waterbury seeks applications for 2024 project and event grants
Revitalizing Waterbury is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for its 2024 Event and Project Sponsorship Program.

Attorney general offers tips on hiring a home improvement contractor
As the ground thaws and weather warms, many Vermonters will be planning their outdoor and home improvement projects.
Celebrate Civic Learning Week, March 11-15
With Town Meeting Day and the Presidential Primary only a few days behind us, civic life is front and center in the minds of many Vermonters right now.

Rep. Stevens: Address the housing crisis instead of passing the buck
The General Assembly is gearing up for a difficult end to the biennium, and of the many issues tightening the screws on our society, housing remains at the top of the list.
LETTER: Waterbury community, Thank you for your support
This was my first time running and while I’m disappointed in not being selected, I am very grateful for all the support I received when I first decided to run and for those who believed in me with their vote! Thank you, your support is truly appreciated.
LETTER: Regarding tree-cutting along Rt. 100 in Duxbury
The Duxbury Selectboard chair responds to an earlier letter of concern regarding the removal of trees along Vermont Route 100 in Duxbury.

Manager’s Corner: From the town’s Annual Report
This latest update from Waterbury Municipal Manager Tom Leitz is his message printed in the town’s Annual Report ahead of Town Meeting Day.
LETTER: In support of H.567 limiting the sale of cats and dogs
Vermont’s proposed legislation to prevent pet stores from peddling animals would put the brakes on cruel mass-breeding mills and help combat the animal overpopulation crisis.
Sec. of State: Get out there and vote!
As Vermont’s Secretary of State and Chief Elections Officer, it’s my job to help sustain and defend democracy – the form of government in which we the people choose our leaders and decide issues by voting.
LETTER: Disappointment and frustration over Rt. 100 tree-cutting
To the Community: I am writing to express my profound disappointment and frustration regarding today’s (Feb. 21) removal of trees on my property adjacent to the road on Vermont Route 100.
LETTER: H.850 deserves Gov. Phil Scott’s veto
Dear fellow Vermonters, we are a group of Vermont residents concerned about the unintended consequences of Act 127 and the grave risks posed by H.850 to communities across Vermont.
Op-Ed: Wildlife governance needs to reflect modern attitudes, values
The values that the public holds toward wildlife can be broken out into four different categories: traditionalists, mutualists, pluralists and distanced.