LETTER: One Town, One Book project honors Vermont author’s passing

August 11, 2023 | By Katya d'Angelo

To the community: 

Anne Averyt, author of “Vermont Perspectives: Sense of Place, State of Mind,” the Bridgeside Books One Town, One Book 2023 selection, sadly passed away on July 17 at the age of 77. Her passing will shift the way we engage with her work, but we are committed to amplifying the mission of One Town, One Book and the spirit of “Vermont Perspectives.” 

One Town, One Book is an initiative born from the spirit of building bridges. It began last summer with many in the community reading and then discussing “The Treehouse on Dog River Road” by local author Catherine Drake. 

We imagined these books would serve as conversation starters, a way to get Waterbury on the same page – literally and figuratively. 

In many ways, “Vermont Perspectives” served to build that same type of bridge to Anne. When she was unable to visit for a signing, we brought books and conversation to her home. When she was unable to join us in April, her son came instead to receive recognition. Since her passing, her work remains as a bridge to her thoughts, life, and experience. As she is unable to join us in the traditional sense, her legacy is captured in her own words for us to engage with. 

“Vermont Perspectives” is a beautiful collection of essays on Vermont – the landscape, the people, and the general feeling of place. It is equally meaningful to those who were born and raised here, transplants (as Anne was herself), and visitors. We feel honored to have known her for the short time we did and that we were able to introduce her words and experiences to a wider audience.

I had the pleasure of meeting Anne and corresponding with her over several months. She was warm, kind, and expressed her enthusiastic gratitude that we’d chosen her book, even though we are but a small bookstore in a small town. Our two conversations in person at her apartment started off about Vermont and books, of course, then touched on current events, travel, and her beloved grandchildren. 

There is no doubt in my mind that she was a source of immense joy for her friends and family. Read her obituary here.

While we were looking forward to a September event with Anne to wrap up this year's One Town One Book, we would instead like to encourage those who read it (and those who want to) to gather with their friends and neighbors around the dining table, in their backyards, or at a cafe, to discuss their own perspectives and observations on Vermont.

Katya d’Angelo, owner 

Bridgeside Books



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