Jake Pitman: Ready to serve a full term on school board

March 1, 2023

To the community: 

My name is Jake Pitman, and I am seeking election for a 3-year term on the Harwood Unified Union School District School Board to represent Waterbury.

Some of you may have read my recent Letter of Interest this past fall as I was seeking a temporary appointment to a vacant seat on the board. I was successfully appointed via a voting process by both the Waterbury Select Board and the HUUSD School Board itself. This was an excellent way for me to enter a “trial period” on the board in order to understand how the board functions as well as to gain understanding of how I can best serve the school district in my own right.

I have lived in Waterbury my entire life aside from attending college, and graduated from Harwood in 2013. I have recently been involved in coaching both the HUHS cross country running team and the HUMS/CBMS track and field team. It was through this effort that I was reminded why I originally sought a career in education and human services in college – I care deeply about students in the community I was raised.

Through my brief time on the board thus far, I have developed a deep appreciation for the work it does, as well as for my fellow members who offer their time and commitment to steer our school district in a positive direction. I have offered perspective as a former student myself, with particular attention to fostering a positive school culture among the students, faculty, staff, and community at large.

To put it in much simpler words – I want students to appreciate their schools in our district. I believe this begins with proper school board governance, which I aim to provide through my unique perspective as a relatively younger member of the School Board.

I ask for your support via a proper election to the School Board on March 7.

Thank you,

Jake Pitman



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