Op-Ed: We need a willing affordability partner, not just talk
For those experiencing sticker shock from viewing their property tax bills this year, you’re not alone. I get it. Or, I got it, as our tax bill soared on a 1,000-square-foot house on 2 acres, 5 miles from town on a dirt road.
COMMENTARY: Secretary of state on ‘free, fair, accessible, secure elections’
The General Election is less than two weeks away. As the rhetoric and “noise” intensifies, it’s worth a reminder that Vermont’s elections are not only among the most accessible in the country, they are also incredibly secure.
OPINION: Did they campaign on “Vote for Me, I Will Raise Your Taxes”?
Do you remember the days when if a politician even mentioned raising taxes they were duly excluded from getting your vote? Well, it’s time for Vermonters to wake up and pay attention.
OP-ED: Consider a Nikki Haley write-in scenario
Vermont and the District of Columbia each supported Nikki Haley over Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican primaries and each could still rescue America from its present depressing choice in the election with a successful Haley write-in campaign.
LETTER: Thoughts on political leadership
When it comes to governing and providing sorely needed political leadership, particularly during times of financial troubles as well as when there is a serious humanitarian and social crisis, at least to my way of thinking as a layperson, the main concerns of an elected politician or otherwise a candidate seeking political office should not merely be about the administration and management of government, but rather be toward providing proper leadership, particularly and most importantly when balancing competing as well as diverse interests and needs.

LETTER: Sugarbush Homeowners Coalition backs White in House race
I am writing on behalf of The Sugarbush Homeowners Coalition to offer our full support for Candice White in her candidacy for the Vermont House of Representatives, representing the Washington-2 District.

A.G. Clark: We're voting on the U.S. Supreme Court this November
Our choice for President of the United States this November will have far-reaching impacts on the U.S. Supreme Court and our entire judicial system. Voters should be asking themselves: What kind of country do you want to live in?