Reps. Stevens and Wood announce bids for re-election

May 26, 2020

To the community: 

These days are uncertain for all of us, and as the weeks and months unfold to our new “normal”, we want to be there to help make your government work for you.  

We would like to take this opportunity to announce our candidacy for State Representative in the Washington-Chittenden District, serving Bolton, Buel’s Gore, Huntington and Waterbury.

We want to ensure that Vermont is a state that works for all of us. We will continue to work for access to housing, employment, education, health care and human services. The continued focus on Vermont’s economy will be at the forefront during the recovery from COVID-19 over the next two years. We will focus on these and many other issues if you vote to return us to the State House.  

This will be a different campaign season due to the pandemic, but please know we are available to talk with you at any time. Contact:,


Rep. Theresa Wood and Rep. Tom Stevens



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