Annual Thanksgiving dinner for seniors called off

November 10, 2020  |  By Albert Caron

To the community: 

It is with deep regret and sadness this year’s Thanksgiving appreciation dinner for our area seniors will have to be canceled. Our committee has discussed numerous ways to try and hold the event but due to the pandemic, there is no viable way of doing so. 

This dinner was set up to thank our seniors for all the things we have today. If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have an easier way of life and all the knowledge, skills and education we have received from them. We started this 18 years ago and have continued providing a sit-down homestyle dinner ever since. We love the singing and laughter, giving out gifts and seeing the enjoyment of people being together who may not have seen each other since the last Thanksgiving dinner.

Hopefully next year we can continue this awesome event. We will greatly miss this and all of our senior guests. Having spent a lot of time with these folks really feels like family and holding a tradition like this one makes the holiday special. This was my grandmother’s favorite holiday and the whole reason this was started. She gave so much and we all want to say thank you to all seniors for everything you have given us. 

Happy Thanksgiving, and hopefully in 2021 we will be together again. Be well and be safe. 


Albert Caron

Thanksgiving Dinner co-chair 


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