Former Duxbury Selectboard member explains resignation

November 14, 2020  |  By Richard Charland

To the community: 

I chose to resign from the Duxbury Selectboard because the board has become totally dysfunctional. My concerns specifically as to the repairs needed on the Town Garage, which I believe should be #1 on a project list, were dashed at the October 26 meeting. We have discussed this since March of this year when I came on board. I presented an RFP, prepared by the engineer hired by the town, to solicit structural work supporting the roof at the 10/26 meeting. The intention which I had discussed with the board over the past eight months was to make the repairs in a phased approach, over the next two to three years, first dealing with the structural issues, the replacement of the roof and rear wall later. The cost would be significantly less than the proposed alternative.

This project has been left hanging for well over five years. The current members of the board presented a proposal to spend $300,000 for the project at the 2019 Town Meeting. They held two Special meetings to present the "facts" to the town. On November 5, 2019, they held a special bond vote asking voters for approval of a $300,000 amount. That was turned down by the voters 155 voting, 52 yes 103 no. They attempted to have a second vote at the 2020 Town Meeting. Unfortunately, they failed to follow the process and hold a special meeting prior to and did not warn it properly resulting in the votes not being counted and having to be destroyed. At the 10/26 meeting I was informed, the preference was to do the project all at once and to bond the cost. Obviously, the will of the voters a year ago does not matter.

The past 8 months have unfortunately been a futile, rudderless disappointment. Projects suffer for a lack of management. The end result unfortunately has been costly to the town financially, the most recent being the replacement of a culvert on Ryan Rd. The 10/26 meeting which had an agenda encompassing approximately an hour of time dragged on for two and a half hours. A Special meeting to be held on 10/28 could not be conducted because of improper warning. I have no problem serving on behalf of the town and will commit whatever time is needed. I will not however participate in any more disorganized, unfocused, time-wasting meetings. 

I believe the Town Garage is a valuable asset and can be maintained over time in a phased approach. We have a number of infrastructure projects to face one of the most important being the condition of our roads. Having lost our gravel pit, the cost of maintaining our roads, 90% of which are gravel is becoming very costly. It is necessary we establish a plan for the next three to five years so that we can prioritize and budget accordingly. The town deserves better.


Richard L. Charland



Richard Charland resigned from his office on Oct. 30. The board will appoint a replacement to serve until Town Meeting Day 2021. To apply, email board Chair Kevin Garcia and Vice Chair Mari Pratt at and before the Nov. 23 board meeting. 


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