Candidate Wood: ‘I carry the voices of all the people of this district’

Nov. 5, 2022  |  By Theresa Wood 

Election Day is just a few days away. Over 130,000 people have already voted, and thousands more will vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8.  While I hope that my long service to this community both at the State House and here at home has earned me your vote, the most important thing is that as citizens, people exercise their right to vote.  

Several years ago, I tutored a woman who wanted to earn her U.S. citizenship for one main reason – she wanted to exercise the privilege of voting, something that she was unable to do in her country of origin. 

This campaign season seems to have been one that some candidates feel that in exercising their right to free speech, authorizes them to tell lies or half-truths. One thing you can count on me to continue to do is to keep you informed, to answer your questions, to help you with issues you’re having with state government, and to tell you the truth. 

As a leader on the House Human Services Committee, I have worked to improve access to high-quality, more affordable childcare. I’ve worked on preventing and reducing the harm caused by the opioid epidemic. I’ve sponsored legislation that passed to make Vermont a state where older Vermonters can age with dignity and respect and where people with disabilities are able to make choices about where they live and have the supports necessary to do so. I’ve introduced legislation and got it passed for insurance companies to cover hearing exams and hearing aids for people with hearing loss. I continually work to hold government accountable to its citizens. 

As your elected representative, I carry the voices of all the people of this district. But as everyone knows, we don’t all agree on every topic. I listen to people’s point of view, research the facts, and make the best decision that I can for the people of our communities and the State as a whole. 

Thank you if you have already voted, and for those who will vote on Tuesday, I would appreciate your vote.

Rep. Theresa Wood


Waterbury Democrat Theresa Wood is one of two state representatives in the Washington-Chittenden House district covering Waterbury, Bolton, Huntington and Buel’s Gore. 


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