Condos: Primary set a record; town clerks, election workers deserve thanks

August 14, 2020  |  By Jim Condos


Editor’s Note: Tuesday, Aug. 11, was Primary Election Day in Vermont. Secretary of State Jim Condos issued this statement the following day. 


While we only have preliminary, unofficial results, it would appear Vermont voters turned out to vote in record numbers, with well over 155,000 Vermonters exercising their right to vote on or before yesterday’s primary election.

Vermonters have resoundingly embraced voting early or absentee and were also able to vote safely in-person during a pandemic.

From the high volume of mailed-in ballots to the utilization of outdoor and drive-thru polling places, it’s clear that Vermonters are taking this health crisis, as well as their Constitutional right to vote, seriously and are prepared to take the measures necessary to ensure safe voting in 2020.

Seeing historic turnout for this August primary election was incredibly rewarding for me and my elections team. My office has been working hard to maintain access for Vermonters while protecting their health and safety and that hard work paid off. I want to thank every Vermont voter who exercised their right to vote in a manner that they determined was best for their situation.

The more people that vote, the stronger our democracy becomes.

I also want to express my sincere gratitude to Vermont’s town clerks and election workers, who made sure the front door to our democracy was open for every Vermont voter at the polls on Election Day, and during the busy days leading up to it.

Our office has worked around the clock with the clerks to plan and implement a process ensuring an accessible, fair, safe, and secure election, despite the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic and health crisis has presented.

Yesterday, we saw why that is so important. Unlike the horror stories we have seen from other states, our Vermont primary ran smoothly, and no voter was forced to choose between their health and their right to vote.

Yesterday’s ‘Pandemic Primary’ was a great example of Vermont ingenuity and our ‘can do’ spirit. I issued guidance to the clerks around what was possible for outdoor polling places, drive-thru voting, and safety measures, then they made it happen in the way that made the most sense for their communities. These folks deserve our thanks for yesterday’s smooth elections and timely election results.

Of course, there is still work ahead of us and we can always improve. As we plan for the November general election, we will consult with the clerks and use direct feedback from Vermonters to analyze best practices, lessons learned, and next steps.

We are truly “Vermont Strong.” The resiliency we showed as a state in the conduct of yesterday’s election should make us proud.

Unofficial election results and turnout statistics can be viewed at

Secretary of State Jim Condos Headshot (1).jpg

Jim Condos is Vermont’s Secretary of State.


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