Notice to all parents or guardians of Harwood Unified Union School District Personally Identifiable Information

August 23, 2024

The schools comprising the Harwood Unified Union School District (Brookside Primary School, Crossett Brook Middle School, Fayston Elementary School, Harwood Union Middle/High School, Moretown Elementary School, Waitsfield Elementary School, and Warren Elementary School) have designated the following personally identifiable information as directory information under the Family Rights and Privacy Act:

  • a parent’s name, address and phone number

  • a student’s name, address, telephone number, and date of birth

  • participants in officially recognized activities and sports

  • weight and height of members of athletic teams

  • degrees and awards received, including honor roll

  • list of graduates

  • class lists

  • dates of attendance

Directory information may be released to members of the public and newspapers at the discretion of the school administration. Parents and guardians of students attending schools in the Harwood Unified Union School District and students who are 18 years of age or older have the right to refuse to allow the release of any or all of this information. Photos, videos, and information about school activities will be released for school use, to school and school district websites, to local newspapers, and to community television. Parents, guardians, and students 18 years of age or older who do not wish to have their child or themselves included in such releases and/or do not want any or all of the above information released must notify the school principal in writing by September 30, 2024.


Act 250 Notice, Minor Application, 5W1023-110 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111


Harwood Unified Union School District: Annual Notification of Rights and Eligible Students Concerning Education Records