Harwood Youth Hockey takes silver, continues fundraising
By Katie Martin
Harwood youth hockey athletes finished up their season recently with the Green Mountain Avalanche Tournament at Jay Peak.
The Harwood U10 team made it to the championship game, falling to Rhode Island, but taking home the silver medal. The U10 team made it furthest in the tournament; a second combined Harwood and Stowe U12 team also took part in the competition.
The U10 team is coached by Matt Migonis and Brett Belknap; U12 coaches were Chris Martin, Tim Smith, and Melanie Lemnah.
Harwood Youth Hockey U10 silver medal team and coaches. (Back Row) Coach Brett Belknap, Conor McDonough, James Abair, Kaden Wimble, Ivy Herrington, Carter Fisk, Maddy Dukette, Damien Belknap, Coach Camilla Mahon. (Front Row)Nora LaCroix, Averie Swain, Chase Gonyon, Patrick Migonis, Trey Isham, Coach Matt Migonis. (Missing from picture Coach Ethan Swain) Courtesy photo
Fundraising efforts continue
The Harwood Youth Hockey Association’s year-round fundraising efforts have been strong and continued with the annual Calcutta dinner Saturday, April 2.
Fundraising efforts help offset yearly tuition costs per player and help pay for ice time rentals, scholarships, new jerseys, etc. The funds help keep per-player registration fees reasonable and contribute to scholarships for players in need of financial assistance.
More elite clubs compete for players as well and lower numbers can mean smaller teams. This year the association combined players from Harwood and Stowe at one level to have a viable roster.
In addition to scholarships, the association assists with equipment for players in need.
This year the association has run multiple fundraising events with success. The most recent project – a bottle drive fundraiser – wrapped up March 1. The drive had the youth teams going door-to-door collecting bottles and cans for Sunday pick ups. Many community members brought returnables to the Ice Center as well to donate to the effort. Each team worked to see who could collect the most.
The Harwood U12 started off the season strong, bringing in close to $500 in the first month. The U10 and U8 caught up quickly in the next two rounds, both coming within reach of the U12. In the end, the winning team was the U10 Squirts with a total of $827. The U12 team finished with $697.65; and the U8s brought in $693.35.
The Harwood-Stowe U12 youth hockey team. (From back to front) Coach Tim Smith, Colin Smith, Connor Mayo, Coach Melanie Bouchard, Creighton Vogt, Liam McGrath, Alexandria Isham, Lucas Austin, Ada Reilly, Finny Kilby, Stewart Lemnah, Robbie Schulze, Noah Vandenberg and Landon Kneale. (Not pictured, Coach Chris Martin) Courtesy photo
From November 15 through March 1, the fundraiser collected $2,218.
As top fundraisers, the U10 team won the opportunity to represent Harwood Youth Hockey during the Not Quite Independence day parade in Waterbury this summer on a parade float.
The Harwood Youth Hockey Calcutta fundraiser was scheduled for Saturday, April 2, at the American Legion. Summer fundraising plans in progress involve a cornhole tournament and a street hockey tournament open to the public. More details to come.
Harwood Youth Hockey serves Waterbury, Duxbury, Moretown, Waitsfield, Fayston, Warren, and Stowe youth who are interested in learning to skate and hockey programs.
Katie Martin is a volunteer coach and fundraising coordinator for the Harwood Youth Hockey Association