December 2022
Dec. 22, 2022 | Photos by Gordon Miller
Snowstorm scenes
Friday, Dec. 18, brought school kids their first snow day of the school year and slowed everything down a bit. Here’s a look at town through Gordon Miller’s lens. And, no, those landscapes aren’t technically black-and-white images. Conditions that day were many shades of gray.

Reindeer, Santa drop by Stowe Street
Yes, reindeer are real and there are all kinds of Santas.
On Sunday, Dec. 18, businesses downtown organized by Bridgeside Books sponsored a visit from reindeer from the Vermont Reindeer Farm. Shoppers and passersby enjoyed an up-close visit with the curious creatures who definitely are different from Vermont’s common white-tailed deer.
Bidwell Lane closed for the occasion which turned festive quickly with refreshments from Stowe Street Cafe. The cafe was hosting a special Santa who returned to Waterbury after being the guest of honor in the 2021 River of Light parade. This year, Santa Fin is featured in “Santa Camp,” an HBOMax documentary about a Santa training school in New Hampshire and some non-traditional Santas it graduated last year. Also known as Finbar Ciappara, Santa Fin from Barre was accompanied by his Mama Claus mom Suki and her husband. Santa Fin is a special needs professional Santa who communicates using an iPad along with plenty of in-person charm. Also this week, Santa Fin was honored by the Barre City Council for his work.
Both Santa Fin and the reindeer proved to be powerful ambassadors.

Menorah Lighting at Rusty Parker Memorial Park
Just over 30 people turned out by late Sunday afternoon, Dec. 18, to gather at Rusty Parker Memorial Park for the lighting of Waterbury’s first public menorah on the first day of Chanukah. New to town, Rabbi Baruch Simon and his wife Sarah and their three children, organized the effort along with local residents Heather and Eric Friedman, Waterbury Rotary and town officials.
Municipal Manager Bill Shepeluk joined the event and Rabbi Simon asked him to do the honors to light the middle light, the Shamash, traditionally used to light the other eight candles. Other traditions associated with the festival of lights included some treats including doughnuts and potato latkes, and chocolate coins.

National Guard Santa convoy
The folks at the Vermont National Guard are convoy masters and escorting Santa Claus is a great opportunity to have a little fun. They organized a parade of military and other big vehicles decked out with lights and holiday decorations for a trek from St. Albans to Berlin, passing through Waterbury on Tuesday evening, Dec. 20. Good practice for Santa to test his thermal layers before the big night.
The Waterbury Fire Department caught it on video, too. Watch it on their Facebook page here.