Opinion Mary Campo McPheat Opinion Mary Campo McPheat

July reunion planned for all Montpelier High School alumni

To the community:  The first annual Montpelier High School Alumni Roundup, July 14-15, is a reunion fundraiser welcoming all classes, faculty, staff, coaches, and respective families to celebrate the Montpelier High School experience and give back to both the school and the Montpelier community.

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Opinion Matt Krauss Opinion Matt Krauss

COMMENTARY: Lessons from Frankenstein’s creation

Mary Shelley in 1818 wrote a classic novel titled, “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.” The novel tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a brilliant scientist who becomes obsessed with learning the secret of life, something that no one else had ever uncovered. He finally discovers it and uses the secret to create a being called Frankenstein’s creation. 

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Opinion Vermont Student Anti-Racism Network Opinion Vermont Student Anti-Racism Network

LETTER: Student anti-racism activists urge support for anti-discrimination bill

Students across the state and in our schools face racism, ableism, sexism, and other inequalities daily throughout their educational journey. We believe that the provision which would include students under the harassment protections is an extremely vital part of this bill, and needs to be included for it to pass. 

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Op-Ed: Wildlife conservation depends on regulated trapping
Opinion Brehan Furfey Opinion Brehan Furfey

Op-Ed: Wildlife conservation depends on regulated trapping

Wildlife conservation is complicated. In Vermont, that complexity is front and center in recent conversations around regulated trapping. Although this topic deserves Vermonters’ careful consideration, I worry that some are losing sight of the conservation benefits that regulated trapping provides. 

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Opinion Amy Coach-Dietz Opinion Amy Coach-Dietz

LETTER: Safe schools for all students 

The subcommittee’s efforts are commendable and they were able to include language in the policy to ban dangerous prone and supine restraints, but the policy continues to permit seclusion, a harmful practice with permanent mental health trauma. 

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Opinion Lindsey LeFevre Opinion Lindsey LeFevre

COMMENTARY: As the planet heats up, there’s opportunity to Keep Vermont Cool

While Vermont has a powerful reputation for a healthy, clean environment, there's a dirty secret that’s often kept in hiding. In recent years, Vermont has significantly trailed behind its surrounding neighbors in reducing its carbon emissions and continues to stall when it comes to innovative, cost-effective measures to combat the climate crisis

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