Opinion John Kerrigan Opinion John Kerrigan

OPINION: It’s time to die - Vote NO on the bond  

 I would love it if the present students and my former colleagues had brand new state-of-the-art science labs. It would be nice to see a brand-new modern track facility at Harwood. Yes, Harwood needs renovations. Our students would greatly benefit. But now is not the time.

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Opinion Alexandra Thomsen Opinion Alexandra Thomsen

LETTER: Reasons to support the school construction bond

This is an incredibly difficult financial time for many people in our district, but given how our education funding works, voting no on the Harwood Unified Union School District bond could make it more financially challenging for taxpayers over time. Here are the top reasons I have supported this bond from the beginning.

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LETTER: Fly the banner and display the Declaration of Inclusion
Opinion Life LeGeros Opinion Life LeGeros

LETTER: Fly the banner and display the Declaration of Inclusion

Dear Waterbury Select Board,

As a resident of the wider community and a member of the Waterbury Area Anti-Racism Coalition (WAARC), I am writing to urge you to fly the “Waterbury Stands With Black Lives Matter” banner. Flying the banner in the past has been an important example of moral leadership by your group, and therefore the town of Waterbury, from which others who live in the area, as well as countless visitors, have benefitted.

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Condos: A voting registration reminder
Opinion Jim Condos Opinion Jim Condos

Condos: A voting registration reminder

Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos issued the following statement on Sept. 28 encouraging Vermonters to register to vote, or to update their voter registration information, for National Voter Registration Day, a non-partisan civic holiday celebrating democracy held annually on the fourth Tuesday in September.

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Coaches make the case for new Harwood gym
Opinion Jay Bellows and Tommy Young Opinion Jay Bellows and Tommy Young

Coaches make the case for new Harwood gym

We are writing to discuss the need for a single bond vote that includes all the items that have been researched and proposed to the community. We can clearly state that we are in drastic need of gym infrastructure in our district.

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Labor Day message: Vermont’s economy depends on women
Opinion Waterbury Roundabout Opinion Waterbury Roundabout

Labor Day message: Vermont’s economy depends on women

Editor’s note: Labor Day is Monday, Sept. 6, and the Vermont Commission on Women, the Vermont Women’s Fund, Vermont Works for Women, Change The Story VT and Let’s Grow Kids are collaborating on a week-long campaign called #MakeWorkWorkForUs to focus on supporting women in the workforce as part of the pandemic economic recovery and a strategy to strengthen the state’s economy.

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