LETTER: Please vote ‘Yes’ on Town Meeting Article 7

Feb. 24, 2022

To the community: 

On Town Meeting Day, the Waterbury community is being asked to appropriate $100,000 of the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds to the Ice Center of Washington West, from the $1.5 million that Waterbury is receiving from the U.S. federal government. These funds come at no cost to the property tax payer and will improve our financial condition to pre-pandemic levels.

We are a community not-for-profit ice rink that opened in 2003. The rink was built because of generous donations from the community, as well as assistance from the town and village for road improvements and water and sewer mains. The contributions by the community and the municipalities are the reason we have a rink to enjoy. 

Our hope is that the community continues to recognize this facility as a benefit to both recreation and our local economy and votes “Yes.” 

While we have operated successfully for almost 20 years, the pandemic set us back. Our cash reserves are down in excess of $100,000. For the first 12 months of the pandemic the rink was either shut down or operating with lower revenues. Higher costs associated with health and safety COVID-19 protocols and deferred capital improvements were also factors. 

But there is good news! Over the most recent nine months, skaters have returned and revenues approach pre-pandemic levels. Ongoing costs for payroll, utilities and maintenance remain challenging, but not overwhelming. We have a dedicated staff and many community partners that make this rink successful.

If approved, the $100,000 in APRA funds will replenish our capital reserve fund.

Additional details can be found posted on the Waterbury Roundabout

Please vote “Yes” on Article 7 and encourage others to vote also!  


Thank you!

Bob Parette, vice president

Ice Center of Washington West



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