Waterbury Area Trails Alliance supports Article 8

Feb. 24, 2022

To the community: 

Did you know that this coming Tuesday (March 1) is Town Meeting Day?!

This year on your ballot you will see a vote on Article #8.

What is Article #8, you ask? It is asking voters to fund the development of a master plan for recreation and facilities. This master plan will assess and lay out a framework for the future infrastructure at the River Road park area (Perry Hill trails entrance) and Hope Davey Park.

As recreation continues its growth economically in our community, please consider how managing infrastructure around it is important to you and to our town.

Submitted by 

Logan Shuman, secretary 

For the Waterbury Area Trails Alliance

Board of Directors


LETTER: Write-in for Waterbury Select Board, Roger Clapp


LETTER: Please vote β€˜Yes’ on Town Meeting Article 7