Time Lost: A Vermont music video

Harwood Union High School 2019 graduates Dan Greenleaf and Jesse McDougall live in Waterbury Center where they spent this past semester keeping up with their college studies remotely. Greenleaf is a Jazz Studies major at Ithaca College School of Music. McDougall is majoring in Political Science and Spanish at the University of Toronto. 

Together they put together a music video postcard to their hometown from their hometown during the COVID-19 pandemic winter. 

I got the idea for this project on a walk in the middle of January. It was freezing. The kind of cold that stifles your keenness to get up in the morning. I think a lot of us felt that way this winter. Pandemic winter was hard. On everyone. I felt like I needed a timestamp to represent where I was this winter, and I hope that it might have some authentic connection for someone who watches and listens. I’m at a point in my life where I’m just starting to realize how important time is to each of us. It’s odd to get here and watch a year go by just like that. 

I want to thank Jesse McDougall for the stunning video work. I hoped to find someone who could pull the melancholic beauty out of rural Vermont in the winter and he did it flawlessly, all the while keeping the shape and color of the music in mind. I think it was important for both of us to have this as a goal to work towards in the midst of a mountain of remote school work that could feel meaningless at times.

I took care of all the musical details. I composed and recorded each part, and while I was drastically under-qualified, I mixed it as best as I could.  Feel free to share around if you want and I hope you enjoy.

~ Dan Greenleaf 

Time Lost video 2 scenes.PNG

I like making short films, and in February Dan and I started to make a music video. 

Dan composed, produced, and recorded the music, while I shot and edited the video. All of the scenes come from Waterbury, Vermont where we live. 

~ Jesse McDougall

Find Dan Greenleaf's YouTube channel here.

Find Jesse McDougall's YouTube channel here.


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