OPINION: School district needs to be open to change
The financial pressures facing our education system are unsustainable, and the cracks are becoming impossible to ignore. If HUUSD cannot afford to educate our students, then we need to acknowledge that consolidation must be explored seriously.
OPINION: Why consider rejecting the HUUSD budget? Reason #3: Affordability
If you consider education spending within the larger context of the financial condition of our communities, state and nation, should we really be looking at increasing education spending? Or should we consider a freeze on spending and insist that our legislature and school districts find ways to do things a lot differently?
OPINION: Why consider rejecting the HUUSD budget? Reason #2: Lack of transparency
Providing clear, understandable data to support one's position might be called full transparency. In my opinion, our state education system, requirements, and formulas can stagger the mind and hide – perhaps even misrepresent – a lot of relevant information.
LETTER: Not supporting the proposed Harwood budget
I attended the Jan. 22 Harwood School Board meeting. It allows a total of 15 min. for public comment before the board begins discussion of business. I wanted to share my comments in full with the community at large.
LETTER: School budget reflects ‘hard choices’ with most tax rates dropping
We write to ask you to consider supporting the school district budget on or before Town Meeting Day, Tuesday, March 4.